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Los Verdaderos [Pack Lore]

Los Verdaderos [Pack Lore]
Posted 2020-10-18 01:48:00 (edited)


Hello! As you can read from the title, this thread will contain all of the lore surrounding the pack known as Los Verdaderos! With the way my current plans are laid out, this will be an infinite work in progress. I plan on writing stories of my pack and their descendants ideally forever, but realistically, until my interest wanes or I simply no longer have the time to do so. Because I suck at formatting things nicely on threads, this will function more as a table of contents listing short stories as I write them. I will just link to google docs with the works, and if anyone has any better alternatives, please, for the love of god, let me know because this feels like what the kids call "cringe." 

Before I set off to finish setting up this thread, please note that this is a Read Only thread.
Feel free to PM me with questions or comments! Or if you feel inclined, check out the Lore Clan! 
ahaha yeah, sick plug.

A big thank you to anyone who reads my lore! It's appreciated. :3

Venex 🦅

Posted 2020-10-18 01:50:12 (edited)

Miscellaneous Information / Trivia 

Setting this up as the first post because while it makes sense to have it at the bottom, it would have to be moved with every new post I make, and wow, that sounds like hell to deal with! This post will cover any fun details regarding characters, general pack life, or just anything that I think would be nice to tell people about my story that doesn't really fit in the rest of the posts.

  • Lupe, being a spirit, has a very different understanding of the world, how it operates, and how it was created compared to the typical wolf.
  • The world is a very big place, and of course, this means other packs exist in the realm. One notable pack is Pack Caedis. Hopefully, Los Verdaderos will avoid crossing paths with these folk.

Venex 🦅

Posted 2020-10-18 01:55:59 (edited)

First Generation

Where it all (sort of) begins! The first generation is lead by the wolf Lupe and their companion Mara.

Pre-Pack Lore

  • Despertado: A spirit wakes up
  • Falsificado: The spirit travels and meets (creates?) a new wolf
  • Realizar: Another perspective from something that shouldn't have woken up
  • Encontrar: A new friend is made and names are received.
  • [NEW] Salvar: Basic lessons taught, all that remains is a name for the pack. Answers do not come easy, and less the important lesson that follows.

Venex 🦅

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