Retired Traveling Wolves
Retired Traveling Wolves
Posted 2021-08-23 18:30:06
Traveling Gang (Requesting/Recruiting) Traveling Wolf Tracker (Tracking owners) Rules (...Rules) Hey all you Traveler Hosts! Here is the thread for the retired Travelers. Here, you can post a picture of your traveler, a list of decor they acquired, and their bio. This way we can see their journey and have it on record so they don't just fade into oblivion and their travels lost. I'm not sure how much room is available in a comment, so feel free to break it up if necessary, taking care to keep which bio is to which wolf so we don't get all mixed up. |
![]() TatteredFury #36824 |
Posted 2021-08-23 18:53:10 (edited)
![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() code by #202
![]() xofrnk [INACTIVE] #10923 |
Posted 2021-08-24 18:59:18
It's also 20k characters in the bio box. Considering every wolf has extra in their bio that wont be copied [like links to the rules, every wolf should be able to fit in one comment I think. Reserving this slot for Wander (all who wander arent lost) |
Destiny #38510 |
Posted 2021-08-24 19:45:40
![]() TatteredFury #36824 |
Posted 2021-08-24 19:47:12
![]() xofrnk [INACTIVE] #10923 |
Posted 2021-09-03 09:06:59
![]() Lionel #34199 |
Posted 2021-09-24 14:57:21 (edited)
![]() ![]() Original owner: TatteredFury#36824 Starting bio: You walk through the woods with your pack, feeling uneasy, like you're being watched. You see a pair of piercing yellow eyes and then the form of a body step out from the trees. "Hello there strangers, my names Shadow. I'd like to stay with you for a little while to rest" Sure...yeah, ok,—but you'll be keeping your eye on him for sure.. The next day he's gone without a trace....huh, weird guy. (TatteredFury 6/24/21) Log: "The day has been long, but I've finally stumbled upon a pack of.. well.. Stoners. They're all completely baked. They had a very amusing time watching a first time smoker get high, although I'm sure the badger who lived in the den I accidentally collapsed because I thought my tail could secretly be an extra foot, didn't find it as funny. Neither did my real foot." /Added Scar: Foot/ -WeedyWolfer 6/25/21 "Found a funky group of wolves today, maybe even stranger than the last- they had this weird disease going around turning them straight up green, but their herbalist seems confident it's not contagious. In any case, they had a good laugh when I told them about my "first time experience" at my last stop, and said my story was so good they'd send me off with some food rations. Said somethin' about "eating it slowly" some reason, which made no sense to me- it had a funky taste, so I went ahead and ate half in case it was going off soon. I might go ahead and eat the rest though; I don't think I've ever felt so hungry in my life!" /Added Expression: Heavy Panting, & Expression: Drowsy Eyes/ -Blix#41071 6/26/21 "Ran into what seemed like a cult pack?? I'm not quite sure. REALLY into that Lunar thing that happens once a month. They're all super nice though, except the pups... those mean buggers took a chunk of my ear while playing. Cute yet vicious. Will have to remember that on my travels. *writes note reminding to be wary of evil pups*" /Added Scar: Ear [Right]/ - ReneeTheKitty #26300 6/27/21 "I approached into a very… fancy den named the Ever..hades..bades.. Union? I cannot seem to remember, dunno what they got that from but Gingerbread seems very sweet. She gave me this flower crown made from freshly picked Guaiacums that Niko found and made just for me. The soft scent of rose brought me back to when I first went to the Stoners..weirdly. Anyways, note to self, find a sweet polyam lady again and her pirate boyfriend who will sing me to sleep." /Added Guaiacum Crown/ - Dahlia🌱🌸#15294 6/28/21 "I've wandered into some kind of edgy den with a rude looking lead and some weird angel...wolf...things? I dunno what they are but they're creeping me out. This one lady talks to herself and the pups are asking me all kinds of weird questions. Other than that, Marinade gave me some bubbly syrup for my nausea, but I'm still feeling a bit woozy. They're keeping me well-fed and sharing hunting stories and scout's not too bad actually. Note to self, don't drink the syrup after midnight, it makes you see things." /Added Ghost/ -Lemonboy#7758 6/29/21 "Today I found a den where all of the wolves had a story to tell. Many of them came from far away lands and ended up as a hodge-podge mash up of personalities they decided could work as a family. It's cozy here. The herbalist tends to stare at me - she said I smell familiar, whatever that means. One of the hunters (he's got a bunch of birds??) gifted me a cool new necklace to carry with me so I don't forget them. I won't." /Added Blue Feathery Necklace/ - Saluna #15735 6/29/21 "I took a wrong turn somewhere and wound up in a strange place. Everything was a spooky glowing blue, like in a nightmare, except I couldn't wake up. I saw a creepy pup and freaked out and ran, but everywhere I ran was the same. After a while I encountered a wolf named Astrika who rescued me...I have no idea what she did, but she told me to close my eyes, and there was a faint 'pop' and I opened my eyes and was back in the normal world. What a relief. I'm glad I escaped that place unscathed..." /Added Gentle Cnitharian Tendrils [Hind Legs]/ - Lionel#34199 7/1/21 "I discovered a trail of pine trees marked with slashes and herbs that lead to a clifftop camp full of wolves! The leader of the pack seemed strangely ok with an unannounced visitor and welcomed me warmly. Turns out they have an "open pack" policy to encourage outsiders to visit! She gifted me a pair of feathers from her magpie companion to indicate I was a guest, and I spent the next few days swapping stories and helping out one of the scouts by looking after her pups. I don't think she thought me a threat to them, those kids were stronger than I was!" /Added Ear-Tucked Magpie Feathers/ Embers #3501 7/02/2021 "As I stopped to drink from a creek, I noticed a pair of eyes watched from across the creek. I looked up quickly to see a wolf that was barely illuminated by moonlight. Strangely enough, her fur was a dark blue, accented by black and white. She took me back to her pack, where strangely enough was populated by almost entirely puppies (and very tired Pup sitters). They fed me and let me stay the night, but my rest was interrupted by butterflies. The she-wolf from before said something about them being attracted by the 'elemental power emanating from the earth' or whatever. I do know two things, though: the energy was strange here, and butterflies can be really annoying." /Added Baltimore Checkerspot / #38412 07/04/2021 "I wandered aimlessly, and suddenly, the scenery changed! I had somehow stumbled in the midst of the largest gathering of wolves I had ever seen! Hundreds of them, old and young, of every color imaginable, were laboring, lounging, or leaping around. Pups were dropped off at and adopted from the enclave in equal measures, and a wave of new adults was sent out into the world to find new packs. This pack's leader, despite her lazy personality, was ambitious, and carried on her mother's legacy, while aspiring to join the ranks of the greatest of all wolves. How whimsical!" /Added Burrows Among the Roots Background/- Unianigi #28081 7/5/2021 "After leaving the large pack I travelled North, to the shuddering glaciers beyond crisp mountain rises. Here I met a pack between leaders, their last having lived a full life and passed away. A wolf named Dangai was due to take over The Seireitei, but he is still being trained. They don't have a lot of food, so I am grateful for what they could spare. In return for my meager meals, I told stories of my travels. The pups listened attentively, while the adults continued to work. It's a bit chilly up here, I won't stay too long before I'm on my way." /Added Arctic Woolly Bear Moth - MoscoMoon {Lethan} #1120 5th July 2021. "I headed south, wishing for some warmer weather and fresher air to soothe my chilled body and limbs. I happened upon a small, incredibly welcoming pack of hunters nestled in a deep valley in the mountains. Prey was plentiful and the pack atmosphere was carefree, the lead stalker coaxing me along on one of their many daily hunts and the team cheering me on as I learned the ways of the hunt. We shared a bountiful meal of elk meat that night as the pack pups wrestled amongst the winding trees and I shared my tales of the surrounding territories with the scouts. I bode them farewell the following morning and continued on to my next adventure". /Added Glowing Moonwort Plants - Swiftla #764, 11th July 2021 "In the depths of thick marshlands, I happened upon the arcane wolves of the Wildes. The enchantress that held the title of queen was quite bewitching though I suspect there is more than meets the eye with the she-wolf known as Vespertine Eventide. I shared the stories of my travels with her and my tales seemed to intrigue the young regent. Though I must admit, there was something about these mystical folk that gave me the chills so I soon decided it was time to part with them to embark on yet another escapade into the unknown. However, before leaving, the queen gifted me an odd stick she claimed once belonged to one of the former kings that rule this pack. I heard someone whisper in passing it was charmed with magic but let's be real: how magical can a stick be?' /Added Prophetic Stick - sass #3558, 12th July 2021 "25th July 2021: I have come to the chilly territory of a pack that call themselves the Hunt of Six Wings; the Exioptera. They are a strange folk, and speak a strange tongue amongst themselves. They take hunting very seriously; the way they tell it, the pack was founded from those left behind on a great, great hunt a long, long time ago...well, I don't know if I believe it, but they've given me a gift from their hunters: terrifyingly large claws to graft to my own. I'm sure they will give me an edge in any battle." / added Raptorial Claws [Violet], Spontaneite #2993, 25 July 2021. "August 14th 2021 I spent this spring and summer with another far north pack, or should I say a constantly moving one! Their leader, Kiana, never could seem to make up her mind where she wanted to settle down. This pack is also quite large, and the majority of my time was taken up with figuring out everyone's names and then preparing to move. They're rather nomadic, but eventually Kiana's sister, Kukka, told me that one day the group would stop roaming, and settle even further to the north, near the sea. I'm not sure I believe that! In any event, they gave me a gift that meant much to them, an owl talon necklace like the ones worn by their best and oldest hunting lines, but this one was gifted from a friendly pack they'd met along the way. I was honored and a bit sad when I had to say goodbye to them, after all the places they'd shown me. They said I could stay, but that is not the life for me!" -Newfluffland #751/Added Owl Talon Necklace "August 17, 2021, I decided to head to the mountains. Here I met Lumi and her pack of wolves. She said she would allow me to stay for the fall and winter. Unlike my last pack, this one has always lived in the mountains and plans to stay. The wolves here seem to enjoy life and playing with each other. This pack really enjoys playing in the moonlight. I will remember them fondly when I leave." -Endermiss #2382/Added Lunar Detrus and Moonlight "September 5, 2021. I continued my journey, heading from the mountains. Following the river I found myself in the Riparian Woodlands after a few days travel. The humidity at the time made it hard to smell, and so I was quite surprised to suddenly find myself surrounded by a pack of strange wolves. They seemed rather friendly, one named Raja telling me that they would have to escort me to their leader, a wolf called Vetrius Pathreader. I followed them with no trouble, and even fell into pleasant gossip. I heard snippets of how they had just arrived in the woodlands as well, their track moving territories regularly as they follow some strange rituals to do with the moon. I didn't ask any questions but it's not the first time I've run into odd witch wolves. Upon meeting their leader she was surprisingly friendly and open, instantly offering me food and water. Once I was settled she approached me more officially, and offered me a place to stay. After hearing that I was a traveler she was more than happy to host me for a temporary time, but first she required my permission for her to 'read me', apparently it will reveal my inner being to her. After agreeing she had my reach into a bag of odd charms, and I pulled one out. She revealed it to be the Knight of Pentacles- and that it revealed that I am a reliable and hard working type. I'm firm and safe, and with the charm approving of my being, I left to make a nest within the pack. Sound found myself accosted by curious pups, much to my pleasure. (🔮 Divineclaws 🔮 #47465) "Oh jeez I remember this place, it's where I got sucked into that weird blue moonlight dimension, gotta be careful... Thankfully, nothing bad happened this time around. I hung out with Astrika and her packmates. They treated me to delicious caribou and we spent a chill evening munching on bones. As I left the next morning I thought I saw something weird out of the corner of my eye, but when I turned there was nothing there. Nothing to worry about..." /Added Companion: Nobaby/ - Lionel #34199 "I came across a nice pack in the mountains that seemed to have way too many pups and adolescents. One of the wolves even came back pregnant. The pups and adolescents though were very nice, when the adolescents weren't apprenticing, and the pups weren't too busy playing, even the adults when they weren't busy with their duties, all enjoyed to listen to my traveling stories. After about four days I decided it was time I move on again. I told everyone my farewells before moving on to another pack." /Added large branch decor/ -Blackwidow #43418 "I couldn't quite put my paw on the feeling that I was beginning to experience when I met the wolves of the Kingdom of Light. I settled there for a while, and had a long chat with their King, Helios. He had a sorrowful look to his eyes as he spoke to me when I decided I would soon depart. But I knew that it was time to return home. My bones were growing weary, and my muscles were fatigued. The time to rest had come. And here was not where I would find my peace." /Added Zebra Longwing Decor/ - Oleander#33719 "I've found a familiar pack. I believe it was the first one I was with when I began my journey. They've set up a nice soft den for me in their special cave for other travelers. I'm too old to continue on, and they are kind enough to let me stay out the rest of my days. The pups love my stories and insist on at least 3 a day, with more in the night too. I don't mind as much as I would have in my youth—I still long to pop in unannounced, but I do not want to die alone along the way. So I have settle with going by unnoticed and keeping the young scouts on their toes—I can still give a good jump scare or two. It's time to pass the mantle to another. Perhaps I can find a way to unbind these claws and send them with the next and give them an edge…Yes, I believe I will. I can't wait to send off the next generation myself. The pups are calling, I think it's time for another adventure…" (TatteredFury) Shadow passed away in his sleep on: 10/14/21 List of decors acquired: Background: Burrows among the roots Decor: Ghost Raptorial claws(violet) Scar(Ear)[Right] Scar(Foot) Expression(Heavy panting) Expression(Drowsy eyes) Owl talon necklace Blue feathery necklace Ear-tucked magpie feathers Baltimore checkerspot Guaiacum crown Gentle Cnitharian tendrils(Hind legs) Arctic wooly bear moth Glowing moonwort plants Prophetic stick Lunar detritus Moonlight rays Zebra longwing Red oak branch(Red) Large branch A familiar face…(nobaby) |
![]() TatteredFury #36824 |
Posted 2021-09-28 19:09:39 (edited)
![]() [Rules Post] | Original Pack: Tellurian Druids This wolf is wanted by the Tellurian Druids for murder and has evaded detection by stowing away in strangers' packs. He's become a traveler to escape the wrath of his former pack but he'll get caught eventually... Lore: Wheat's mate, Stone Webbing, and his pups, Frawn and Kyster, were taken during the culling, a vicious plague set upon his pack by their very own deity. Not being able to bear their deaths, he lost himself in his own despair. He lost his shit and killed a fellow pack member. Now he's on the run... [With the Sun Stealers, 7/9/21]: Wheat came across a pack whose herbalist had recently passed away. "Perfect," he thought to himself. "I can impress these yokels with some herb mumbo-jumbo to get the position. I'll make myself indispensable and have a cushy spot for life." So he approached the pack leader and humbly offered his services. "Oh yeah?!" said a voice. Wheat turned around and found himself confronted by a young green-furred adolescent with muddy snout and paws. "I'm Lime's apprentice!" she said. (oh shit an apprentice??) "I challenge you to an herb-off! What herbs cure pox? What's the difference between an open wound and an infection? Wanna see who can find the most yarrow in an hour?" ...It didn't go well. He's on the run again. [by Lionel | added: snide expression] [With the Sagebrush Tribe, 7/12/21]: Found another pack to hide out with for a while, on the condition that I contribute in some manner during my stay. Easy enough, I think to myself - especially since their recently adopted pup, Azura, seems to take a liking to me right off the bat, and asks if I can be her tutor while all the new moms are busy taking care of their own litters. Maybe she feels something of a kinship with me - two strangers, newly accepted into an unfamiliar pack. Maybe she reminds me a little bit of my own lost pups, too. Over the weeks, I teach her some of the things I know best, for better or worse: scouting, hunting, tussling, ambushing, hiding. I try not to think too much about how I've honed some of those skills in particular. Weeks turn to months, and it starts to seem like I might be off the hook...until one fateful day, when a pair of Tellurian scouts arrive at the pack borders, and explain their reasons for escorting me back home. Azura seems sad at my leaving - and I guess I am, too - but I try to _____ [With the Tellurian Druids] Rat, a wolf I've not seen before, and myself made our way into a territory not known to me. Looks like they've migrated again. Soon, I stood before my former pack, their eyes boring into me with curiosity. I've always wondered about that. Why were they so indifferent to acts of cruelty such as mine? At least they were consistent in their warped way of thinking. Balk approached with X-enva at his side. Two pups stood closely behind her. She glared at me with hatred in her eyes and I knew that these pups were hers and Soloman's. We talked for hours. Her listening to my plea, I'd excepted that what I'd done was unforgivable. I wouldn't ask her for it. To my surprise, she relaxed a bit when I explained this. After more discussion, it was decided that I would be welcomed back into the pack. I heard whispers of an omen... From Garmr? Even after death, Wheat watched over the Tellurian. He visited them through the dreamlands and watched over them. |
![]() Rannoch #38823 |
Posted 2021-10-19 15:10:34
![]() 🌜🐺🌛 #35319 |
Posted 2021-10-22 14:07:30 (edited)
![]() ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashen began to grow restless with the pack she was in. She spoke with the alpha about becoming a traveler. The alpha told her it would be alright and when she returned she would always have a place in the pack for her. She notified the alpha that she would leave once she was done foraging. She finished foraging and said her goodbyes to the pack wolves. Once she began to leave their territory each packmate raised her the muzzle to the sky and gave a sad howl as Ashen left the territory. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: Olivias#44840 Den Link: Alaasiqak Lore (min of 3 sentences): One of the Alaasiqak scouts found Ashen foraging in the forest,she had picked some Arnica the scout asked what pack she was from and Ashen said. None for now I'm a traveler I go from pack to pack and help out while I travel the world. The scout said oh that's great! We can use someone to look after the puppies. Ashen agreed and went to the Alaasiqak,she spoke to the resident herbalist about all the interesting Fauna and flora she has encountered. While pupsitting Ashen and the pups made Arnica crowns and now she proudly wears one. Added Decors/BG (if any): Arnica Crown, Scattered Bones Date received: 25/08/2021 Date of leaving your pack: 30/08/2021 Role given: Pupsitter Stats when received (give only the total stats to save space): N/A Stats when left (give only the total stats to save space): N/A Art given (if any): N/A ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: Lionel #34199 Den Link: Sun Stealers Added Decors/BG: Coat of the Thundering Herd Date received: 9/3/21 Date of leaving your pack: 9/9/21 Role given: N/A Stats when received: 492 Stats when left: 492 Art given: N/A Lore: Traveling through the taiga, Ashen chanced to meet some distant cousins of hers. Their names were Cai and Astrika, and like her, they were granddaughters of the legendary warrior Sunfall. None of them had ever met him, but they all grew up hearing tales of his martial prowess. They swapped stories late into the evening. They also got into a spirited debate about whether Emperor would beat Sunfall in a fight. Astrika said that Emperor would win due to his martial arts mastery and his divine powers. Cai said the "divine powers" were a bunch of hogwash, and Sunfall would win due to his superior strength and tactical prowess. It was clear this was an old argument between the sisters. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: 🔮 Divineclaws 🔮 #47465 Den Link: Cartico Pack Lore: Ashen had begun her journey from the Taiga. The travel seemed boring until she reached the Riparian Woodlands. The extra humidity and still air at the time made it harder to pick up a scent, and she didn't realize she had stumbled upon an unknown pack until she heard voices. Nothing worth noting, idle chatter amongst pack members. Creeping forward she saw a pack in the middle of what seemed to be their own traveling. Thinking she might just move on she was surprised when she stood from her crouch and turned around only to find herself looking into piercing blue eyes. "Who are you?" He asked, a level and calm voice. Idle exchange, her name, he was Oryn Echostep, beta of the Cartico pack...the one she was watching. Though he didn't seem aggressive or threatening, just quietly curious. She followed him down to the bulk of the pack, where she was given a friendly greeting. The pack leader approached her, a wolf named Vetrius Pathreader. She explained her pack was in the process of moving to the desert, briefly explaining that they were somewhat nomadic due to following the moon...whatever that means. Ashen wasn't surprised by the invitation to travel and settle with them in the desert for a small amount of time (which she accepted). But she was surprised by Vetrius adding that before accepting, she must allow Vet to 'read' her. After hesitantly agreeing and being presented with a bag of strange charms and told to draw one, Ashen handed her chosen charm over. Vetrius looked at it closely for a few moments of silence. "Ah, you picked the seven of pentacles. It tells me that you a hard working wolf, with plenty of patience to oversee that work. You aren't in for a fast or quick job with instant rewards, but you know in the end your hard work will pay off....Well, welcome to the Cartico Pack!" And with that Ashen was left to ponder what that entire interaction was even supposed to be. Well, at least the pack would be friendly traveling companions. Added Decors/BG: Date received: 9/9/2021 (fall) Date of leaving your pack: 9/15/2021 (winter) Role given: Hunter (stalker). She helped the packs newly created hunting party begin to get off the ground Stats when received: 492 Stats when left: 518 Art given: None ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: Faeyne #7280 Den Link: Rockford Pack Lore (min of 3 sentences): Ashen found her way to the Rockford pack after chancing upon Togo as he was leaving the Riparian territory, having nothing but good things to say about this unique and very welcoming pack. Letting her know of the pack's current winter travels, she made her way to the Deciduous forests where she got lucky enough to meet the lead wolf while she was on patrol. And after a few days of helping clean up the packs winter den, and share in stories among the great feasts of elk with the whole pack, it was time for her to leave again. The pack was sad to see her go so soon, but understood, and made sure she didn't leave without a couple of gifts and a grand 'goodbye party' set up by the pups: where they made seats out of dug out holes in the snow, threw "confetti" out of crunched up dried leaves and grass, and put on a "talent show" just for her. Much to the joy and amusement of everyone in the pack. ♥ Added Decors/BG (if any): Burrows Under Roots Background, Arctic White Date received: 9/15/2021 Date of leaving your pack: 9/19/2021 Role given: None Stats when received (give only the total stats to save space): 518 Stats when left (give only the total stats to save space): Unchanged Art given (if any): *♥* ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: shiba #19068 Den Link: apricus Lore: Ashen was lucky to come across Apricus' Arid, praying along the side of a footpath. At first, she was apprehensive, but Arid's gentle demeanor and soft voice put Ashen at ease. They walked for hours, Arid speaking of the ways of Apricus and in return hearing stories of Ashen's travels. It was a long trek to the border, yet it seemed to go by quickly with the many tales being told. After eating from an old Apricus kill, Ashen said goodbye to the strange wolf and headed on her way. Added Decors/BG (if any): Skeletal remains added Date received: 9/19 Date of leaving your pack: Role given: n/a Stats when received (give only the total stats to save space): 518 Stats when left (give only the total stats to save space): unchanged ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Username and ID: confetti 17818 Den Link: here Lore (min of 3 sentences): Added Decors/BG (if any): mouthful of feathers Date received: 9/25/21 Date of leaving your pack: Role given: pupsitter Stats when received (give only the total stats to save space): 518 Stats when left (give only the total stats to save space): Art given (if any): ————————— Username and ID: Rho (#2121) Den Link: link Lore (min of 3 sentences): Added Decors/BG (if any): Owl Talon Necklace Date received: 10/08/2021 Date of leaving your pack: Role given: N/A Stats when received (give only the total stats to save space): 518 Stats when left (give only the total stats to save space): Art given (if any) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Ashen returned home after several months of traveling. She had found out during her travels that her pack had moved to the glaciers and the leader was retiring soon. Once arriving in the territory her brother rushed over and was the first to greet her. She was so happy to see her brother and the rest of the pack. There were many more pups than when she had left, and a few new faces too. She told her pack of her travels and played with the pups. All in all she was happy to be home. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Decor given Burrows Among the Roots background Scattered Bones Decor Arnica Flower Decor Owl Talon Necklace Coat of the Thundering Herd Arctic White Mouthful of Feathers Skeletal Remains When she dies and her decor is removed I will post a pic of her without her decor :) ![]() |
![]() Blackwidow #43418 |