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Biome Tour (Shopping Trip)

Biome Tour (Shopping Trip)
Posted 2021-09-26 15:40:58 (edited)
I don't like asking for stuff so my pack and me are going to move around to different biomes buying some decors! Usually I let people buy what they want through me, and I will do it this time too except with this thread! I will make a post in this thread saying which biome I'm in!

It is now also possible to ask for lunar decors of course!

It will be tough, as I don't breed for stats so I only have normal statted hunters, so it may go slowly. My wolves need food so I will have to take long breaks at starter biomes in order to feed them, but most of my food will come from tc or raccoon. That's usual for me honestly (my pack is too big for me) but I don't want to go completely bankrupt during the shopping trip! If you want to help the moving go faster and smoother, You can make food donations if you want!
So yeah, I will write where I am, and you tell me what you want from there, preferably in this thread so that it's easy to keep track of everything! Think of it like a shopping list!
I Usually travel during winter (because my hunters barely bring in food then anyway), and I recently got a new lead, which means I have to rescout the biome, So:
We're shooting for a start of this Biome Tour/Shopping trip this winter!
Subscribe to the topic to be notified of news of when I'm moving or such!

Additional info:
When winter is over, I move back to the starter biomes in order to get that sweet sweet spring hunting boost, and how long I stay there depends on how much food I have and how busy I am irl.
I can move around in the three starter biomes pretty easily (it all depends on my luck in encountering wolves to fight), so if you want anything from any starter biome you can ask me to go shop for you! If you want to pay for the trouble I always need amusements for my too-big pack, but it's not necessary. I actually find it fun, gives me something to actually do in explore, so don't be scared to request a starter biome for me to head toward!

How to order:
1.Write here, just to notify me that you'll be ordering. You can also double check on the price if you're unsure. (Usually all biomes bgs and decors have the same prices)
2. Send me a trade (NOT a gift) containing the currency you'll be spending, as well as the names of the items you want (full names to avoid misunderstandings), put it at no buyout and leave the offers open. (this is also where you donate food or give tips)
3. Await my arrival

Current Biome: Taiga


Posted 2021-09-26 15:53:02
Ohh, this seems interesting! :D I'd be happy to make food donations, if you ever need any! My hunters are pretty good and catch more than I need!


Posted 2021-09-27 06:10:29
I wrote the post when I was super sleepy for some reason! I have now updated it with better information!


Posted 2021-10-01 11:58:59 (edited)
I know it's a starter biome but I was anxious to start moving and I won't be moving anywhere challenging until winter, So I just wanted to tell you guys I am soon moving to Grasslands! (gotta slay some wolves first)


Posted 2021-10-01 12:06:03
Oh that's convenient haha! I was looking to buy a Cottonwood Seeds [Scarce] decor from the Grasslands. When you get there, could you grab me one (I'll send you the SC to buy it, ofc)? ^^


Posted 2021-10-01 12:11:14
Of course!


Posted 2021-10-03 04:38:04

We have now settled in: Grasslands!


Posted 2021-10-03 07:06:37
Can you remind me how much the Cottonwood Seeds [Scarce] cost? I believe it's 350 SC, but I wanted to check ^^


Posted 2021-10-03 07:28:08
Yeah, 350!


Posted 2021-10-03 07:29:55
Alrighty! I'll send over the payment rn! ^^ ty again for doing this!


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