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๐Ÿใ€Š Coms' PWYW Wardrobe Sales! ใ€‹ ๐Ÿ

Posted 2020-12-02 00:26:54


ooo i def can do that ! i love doin natural designs! :D n dw, that payment works fine!!!

you can send payment after we get a design worked out, via private trade! <3


Posted 2020-12-03 23:07:36

User/ID: Lvanhound / 4125

The Wolf you want designed:ย Kaladin

Guidelines (Only Custom marks, keep their base- etc!): I'd like to make use of his auburn mark! Otherwise nothing in particular? He's named after this character idk if that would give you any inspiration:

Payment: 3GC

Other/Comments: Thank you!! I hope that's enoughย 


Posted 2020-12-03 23:11:37


that sounds perfect to me !!!! you can send payment after i run the design by you!! n ill get started asap! :D


Posted 2020-12-03 23:12:32

Thank you very much! I can send it now if that's okay!


Posted 2020-12-03 23:15:29


if you'd rather send it rn that's fine with me !! up to you :D


Posted 2020-12-04 07:09:03

User/ID: Service.HoneyBean #20221
The Wolf you want to be designed:ย 
Guidelines (Only Custom marks, keep their base- etc!): I Would Like His Eyes Kept the Same! Otherwise, That's It! I'm Lookin' For Something... This may Sound Weird, But Google Like. Like The Colors Of Google (The Search EnGiNe), I Don't Know Why But I Feel Like It Could Look Kinda Cool!
Payment: Medicine? If That's Ok I'm Really Low On Everything Atm
Other/Comments: Thank You In Advance If You Take Mine!

Cryptic ๐Ÿ‚

Posted 2020-12-04 08:11:12


can do !! ya can send payment after like usual :D


Posted 2020-12-15 13:25:37 (edited)

User/ID: Badger #10939
The Wolf you want designed:ย 
Guidelines (Only Custom marks, keep their base- etc!): I like her eyes as-is and am fond of warm bases. I mostly want her to be, uh, less bland.
ย Thisย is what Iโ€™m planning to do for her mate; Iโ€™m mostly breeding for stats, not looks, so as long as they look okay together and donโ€™t throw terrible puppies Iโ€™m good.

Payment: Is 200 sc reasonable?



Posted 2020-12-15 13:26:20


200sc sounds perfect !!! i can def do this; n y'can send payment after i run the design past ya n make y'somethin you enjoy! :D


Posted 2020-12-22 18:06:18 (edited)

User/ID: Koiffee [#400]
The Wolf you want designed: Haven't got a link, really! I have 3 potential Albinism carriers aging up tomorrow and whichever winds up being a carrier, if any, will get customised. If none of them are, I'll just apply the design to my next bunch of potential carriers which are still pups rn, since none really have any markings I'd like to keep!
Guidelines (Only Custom marks, keep their base- etc!): Only custom markings and base, want to make it in the customiser! Only requirement besides that really is that the base is Monochrome Medium II and eyes are white!ย 
Payment: 5 GC
Other/Comments: I hope it's alright to come again ^^; I'd best need it to be done by the end of tomorrow at the latest, but if you can't rush it that's okay! I'd prefer you to work comfortably than rush and wind up with smth you're not satisfied with, so don't feel too pressured to do it by then < 3 Thank you so much, again ;-;ย 

โ˜•๏ธ Koiffee โ˜•๏ธ

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