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Therians in the community?

Posted 2024-11-11 22:29:52
How do you deal with people that call you furies when your therians

Posted 2024-11-12 07:57:27
There are some things you could say to kinda ridicule them...
For example:
(I'll put this under a Spoiler because it's a lot LOL)
"Actually, I'm a therian. I'd tell you the difference, but I don't want to overheat your brain"
"I'd say nice try, but, was it?"
"Calling me a furry is like calling you smart - doesn't quite fit."
"Someone's really proud if themselves for a standard, half-baked joke"

Also, there are other things to the typical hate comments that therians get.

If someone barks at you, you can either say "Oh, so you're a furry?" (or you can say therian, but they might not know what that is and use it to make more fun of you), or say really loud "WHAT'S THE NUMBER FOR ANIMAL CONTROL AGAIN?" (I would recommend not to scream though, because people that didn't hear the person bark/whatever other sound might find that weird.)

If someone says "It's hunting season!", you could say "Well then go ahead, coward" or "Don't worry, idiots like you should be safe". If they say it more like "When is hunting season?", you can just adjust it to "You wouldn't dare anyways, coward" or "Whenever it is, idiots like you should be safe".

And if someone calls you "fatherless" or "adopted" (no matter if it's true or not), you can say things like:
"You still use that one? Who let you out of 2010?"
"I'd rather be that than be you"
"I guess creativity wasn't in YOUR family genes"

Let me know if anyone needs any more or something for other hate comments, maybe I can think of something :D


Maybe don't use that in the internet though and only in real life, since people are just gonna continue to make bad comments there or send skull emojis. On sites like Wolvden, it's probably also against the rules, just remind yourself that you can report them, you don't have to get yourself into trouble with them. Which also leads to my other advice (I know you probably know all these, just want to make it clear), which is to remain above the situation. If they leave another dumb comment to your replies (people do that sometimes, no matter how great your comeback might have been), stay calm, walk away, don't react or tell them that you're not gonna talk to them if they act like a 5 year old toddler that lost his dummy (the word Dummy came from Google Translate, so that might be wrong). Or "I'm sorry you're so bored/sad that you have to try and ridicule others to make yourself feel good, but I'm not going to engage in this any further"

And if someone pulls your tail (if you're publically gearing), tell them it's sensitive and you don't want that (some actually really mean it harmless). If they don't stop, go to an authority. If they start to bully you physically, go to an authority.
It's of course best if you choose someone that is more open minded, but if it's really urgent or you don't have someone that is that open minded, really just go to the nearest schools, etc., I doubt that teachers would allow someone to harm you physically, no matter what they think of you themselves.

If someone films you or follows you, tell them to stop. If they don't, threaten to call the police. If they still don't listen....actually call the police.

Stay safe and stay yourself


Posted 2024-11-12 10:37:13
We really do need more therian discourse on this site :c


Posted 2024-11-12 10:51:10
I agree! Do y'all know that Friday is Therianthropy Day? (15th of November)
(And it's not national therianthropy day, national therian day or therian day, since it's for therians of all around the world and we also celebrate our experiences and therianthropy, not just therians.)
It's always on the first full moon of November, to celebrate the first ever organized therian meet-up, I think.


Posted 2024-11-12 11:12:25
oh is it really? that's actually kind of cool...I wish we had a therian convention


Posted 2024-11-12 11:23:20
There are various therian gatherings called howls, and yes, Therianthropy Day is held the first full moon in November to honor the first Howl! They're pretty close-knit events that are advertised by word of mouth and some websites - the Therian Guide has a section dedicated to them.

As for what to do if someone calls you a furry, I do not recommend jumping straight to being rude or reactive. Folks may simply be unaware of the difference, and you can help them understand instead of snapping at them. In the case that they are doing it maliciously, a reaction is exactly what they want and it's best to simply disengage. I know I probably sound like a greymuzzle (and I guess I kinda am?), but hopefully my experience can help you avoid accidentally making the situation worse 🐾
TherianRose 🐾

Posted 2024-11-12 11:27:21
Tbh as someone who isn't a greymuzzle and is much younger I agree ^^ I'm a furry also but obviously when those people say it they don't mean it in a kind way. It's ALWAYS best to not engage with whoever's triggering you. They either want the attention or don't understand what they're saying, and it's important to not immediately lash out.


Posted 2024-11-12 18:43:17
That is good advice because most of the time I assume that they are haters

Posted 2024-11-13 10:33:56
I also totally understand that not engaging is often the best, I just have personally made the experience that with people that you see on a regular basis and are obviously hating, one comeback can actually also really turn them silent, however I also never engage if total strangers make comments in any way or if the people continue to be like that after a comeback, but everyone's different and that's also just what I experienced^^


Posted 2024-11-14 23:14:40 (edited)
I know it's still the 14th according to Wolvden time, but since it's already the 15th (7:13am) for me (and until someone reads this, it's probably also already the 15th according to WDT): Happy Therianthropy day, everyone!

Are you doing anything today? I'm going outside with the therian symbol on my hand, and I might do some light quads and vocals. So pretty much what I usually do, I just don't have the symbol on my hand, normally XD
My hope to find another therian is pretty small and I know it's unlikely, but you never know! And if not, I'm still celebrating :D


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