FWDP: Food and Amusement - TEMP PAUSE
Posted 2020-11-13 23:00:46
Wolvden ID: #746 Item requested: both, please. I am very low on both and none of my wolves bring back food. |
Adora #746 |
Posted 2020-11-13 23:19:37
Reserving something for each of you!! |
Jez #1127 |
Posted 2020-11-13 23:33:27
I can donate some quail carcasses, a porcupine carcass and some one use carcasses I made sure I had extra. Left over so I have enough food for tomorrow. |
Svetlana #23619 |
Posted 2020-11-14 01:33:06
Shoutout to the RelevantKoala for the large donation! We appreciate it <3 |
Lila #225 |
Posted 2020-11-14 02:22:46
Just doin my part! <3 thanks for feeding the hungry wolves of Wolvden! |
RelevantKoala #15056 |
Posted 2020-11-14 06:37:03
Wolvden ID: #24323 Item requested: I need food for 3 more of my wolves. |
Riverwolfie #24323 |
Posted 2020-11-14 11:15:07
I'll send you something Riverwolfie! |
Lila #225 |
Posted 2020-11-14 14:58:03
Thank you for the donation Wildtale! |
Lila #225 |
Posted 2020-11-14 16:17:01
Wolvden ID: ID #183954 Item requested: both food and amusement please. I’m in desperate need of both or I’m going to lose wolves soon. |
Sern #6740 |
Posted 2020-11-14 20:04:50
Id: 11266 Request: amusement items 👉👈 i hope im doing this right this is the fist time I'm doing this |
CowboyCollection #11266 |