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🎉⬆️ Gift the person above you! ⬆️🎉

🎉⬆️ Gift the person above you! ⬆️🎉
Posted 2021-11-06 18:57:07 (edited)
This topic has been changed to a gift the person above you! If you have seen other topics like this then you know what to do! The title is pretty much what you do! Give a list of some things you want or need, and you send a gift to the person that posted above you! Like this:

Breed to my stud Shadow 🐺
100+ Sc 
Herbs 🌿

Custom Decor
Grove items
1000+ Sc

Anything is appreciated, but items with a * are most wanted! Also, no wolves please!

See? Quite simple, and fun! Now, if you cant give someone something on there list, surprise them! You can also give someone multiple things they wanted if you want too! So, have fun! And start gifting!!!!!


Posted 2021-11-16 13:39:10 (edited)
I like Russet the most (there's thread like this already bud)

CC-2224/Cody 𓆏

Posted 2021-11-16 13:43:05 (edited)
Breed to my stud Shadow 🐺
100+ Sc
Herbs 🌿

Custom Decor
Grove items
1000+ Sc

Anything is appreciated, but items with a * are most wanted! Also, no wolves please!


Posted 2024-04-16 19:18:53
sending herbs cause why not!

- 200 sc
- join my raffle clickie
- event decors (NO LUNAR PLS)
- 2 toy bundles
- anything from my WL sponge me boi

heavyn 💕 smiles 4 merles

Posted 2024-06-05 02:57:04
sending sc

any decors/backgrounds (birds if applicable, but if not thats cool) or recipes. wolves with badger bases or white orca markings also wanted.


Posted 2024-06-06 09:31:25
Sending decor

-A Wolf either a pie or merle-colours-blue,pink,purple
-Base Applicator
-Adopt a pup or more than 1 from me
-Join my raffle ★link
(Applicators are the prizes)


Posted 2024-06-06 09:33:48
Entered raffle

- 150+ SC
- Lunar backgrounds

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