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Hidden City rp (open)

Hidden City rp (open)
Posted 2021-11-11 18:42:46 (edited)
The people of the Hidden City have been fighting to have more space for their areas. The Water Elementals and the Ocean Based beings are trying to have full control of the water ways as well as more land that's isn't just along the water. The Earth mages and some werewolf packs are working to have more land, while other land beings are trying to claim their own space. Air Elementals and Avians/Insects are fighting to own the highrise areas while the Fire Elementals and fire based beings are trying to get more land, like the Earth inclined. At the same time the Hidden City needs to be kept secret and the conflict is slowly growing larger.

All beings have a tattoo on there body showing if they have special powers and what they are. The more powerful you are the bigger your mark is. The Elementals have a mark on their hand showing their power. The most powerful have it going up there arm. All magic comes with a price and it depends upon there power. For example a siren can lure in people with their songs but at a cost. There throats may hurt or be unable to talk

Please only roleplay here, if you have any questions ask in character sheet or message River an phrog

charecter sheet
OOC thread

If you need any help please contact River or phrog!
Lost Howl

Posted 2021-11-11 19:04:14
Farren hummed softly, bringing the cloth lying on the counter closer with a small gust of air. The cafe had been open for about twenty minutes but it was apparently a slow morning. "Ava! Has the truck arrived yet?" The Air Elementalist called out to the other person working. "Not yet, they called though! Apparently they're going to be late." Farren sighed, picking up the spary bottle and walking back behind the counter. "That's the third time they've been late, I still think we should look into other delivery services." She replied to Ava, leaning forward on the counter to watch the door.

Kaiya blinked, eyes closing for a few extra seconds before she opened them again. The rock was getting warmer beneath her but her tail tip flicked the cold water unhappily. She did not want to go to work today, but apparently the Siren group had another job.

I'll put NPC names in italics! And sorry it's short I couldn't think of much))

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2021-11-12 08:39:02
Amaya walked around the lake side humming an old lullaby her mom sung. she stopped at an old drift wood log and sat on it. she pulled out a sketch book from her school bag and a pencil. she started sketching while she waited for her friend to finally arrive. she looked and smiled seeing several fish in the clear blue water
Lost Howl

Posted 2021-11-12 20:59:18
I swam close to the city, my tail blending in with the water the best it could. I poked my head up from the water, seeing a girl sketching at the shore of the lake I ended up in somehow. I smiled to myself and swam towards her, but not too close. I'd rather be safe than sorry with meeting new beings in a new area after all. I waded in the deeper part of the lake, seeing if the girl would notice me.

ΠΌΞ³ΠΈΞΊ ϐαγℓοя

Posted 2021-11-13 09:13:58
Amaya looked up hearing something in the water. She looked around not seeing anything.
Ivy walked threw the forest blending in as a safety perception. She didn't like being this close to the city, but she came to see her friend
Lost Howl

Posted 2021-12-11 16:38:42
Adrian walked into a cafe randomly. He wasn't in the best mood however and his hair was lightly burning. He had run into an unwanted hunter. He shook his head and tried to put out his hair, failing. His bodyguard, Dimitri, followed closely behind, watching Adrian with a wary expression. He too knew the sign's of an unhappy Phoenix hybrid. He was trained for Strigoi, immortal human killing vampires, but has adapted to a Phoenix hybrid. Dimitri was a Dhampir, half human, half vampire that had the best of both-Moroi's strength and resistance to sickness and injuries, and Human's physical capacity. Dimitri was usually followed by his girlfriend but today she had her own job to do. Adrian sighed as he reached the counter. " Large Mocha, three sugar, two cream. And- " He turned to Dimitri with a raised eyebrow. " Dark Roast Regular. " Dimitri finished. Adrian sighed again and his hair's flame's grew slightly. It was always the same thing, boring and plain. He shook his head and muttered before turning to the people behind the counter. " Well? Get on it. " He snapped.


Posted 2021-12-11 16:49:59
Farren rolled her eyes, "Yes sir." She muttered sarcastically before turning to the machine. She made it easily, practically muscle memory by now and finished quickly. "7.40, cash or card?" She monotoned, mood dropping as she sat the drinks on the counter and filling in the price on the small ipad, waiting for the hybrid's response.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2021-12-11 16:59:56
Adrian frowned, patting his pocket's. " Uh... " He looked down at his jacket. " Cash. " Dimitri said, pulling out Adrian's wallet from his duster. Adrian glared at him as he stepped up to pay. Adrian looked at the barista's nametag. " Listen-uh-Farren. If I like your coffe, you can keep the change. " He took a sip and smiled. " Lucky for you, i'll be coming more often. " He turned and left, throwing the redeipt behind him. Dimitri picked up the receipt and followed casually, as if it happened everyday. Adrian looked back at Dimitri who picked up a pack from in front of the cafe. Adrian rolled his eye's and shifted into his phoenix form, letting Dimitri put the tack on him. In his mood, it would feel like there was a saddle warmer. Dimitri got on his back with ease and coaxed Adrian, who snapped at Dimitri with his beak.Β  He took off gracefully and flew toward's his house.


Posted 2021-12-11 17:11:03
Oh, there ya go. Phoenix. Farren pocketed the change, looking over at Ava who had just come out. "Who was that?" The other girl asked and Farren sighed. "Some rick prick, acting all high and mighty. I did get some extra though." "What? Aw, come on, I'm your best friend, gimme some!" Ava perked up, lunging towards Farren's pocket."No! Get back!" Farren laughed, a wall of air blocking Ava's hand. "Jeez, you act as if you've never gotten tips before. Shoo, stop bothering me." Farren waved at her, both of them laughing.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2021-12-11 20:56:40
Kai looked up from his book, glancing towards the other phoenix as the faint smell of fire registered in his brain. The fire along his arms flared up again and he shut the book, glancing at the number on the page before setting it down. Really did not want to burn another book, that was horrible last time he did. With a sigh, Kai continued to watch as the other came closer, apparently flying up from some of the restaurants.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

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