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Name the Quest Snake

Posted 2020-10-20 13:35:24 (edited)

Why not Flaum? It also reminds me of flan because of how it sounds, and flan is freakin delicious. As a bonus, it vaguely matches a corn snake's color palette.

Train of thought:
snake -> snek -> absolute noodle -> worm on a string -> dang, worms on a string are heckin' fluffy -> [Google translate's] German translation of fluff: Flaum

A friend in high school took German as their second language and only used it for silly phrases, and it just so happens that flaum sounds like it could make a decent name.
Also! If anyone wants to see a spot-on representation of a fluffy snake, feel free to check out Al the Snekicorn on Furuffy's Toyhouse page, the same friend mentioned above. Along with silly phrases, they also draw some silly but beautifully illustrated characters.


Posted 2020-10-20 22:32:50

I've seen a thread talking about this in the Wolvden Theories section actually, someone suggested Benny bc of Benedict Arnold and that seems to be a bif consensus agreement in that thread


Posted 2020-11-12 01:48:30

I recently started calling the snake Tess after some joking around with some fellow Wolvden & Lioden players on discord.

Basically the idea behind it was that she (yes, she, for some reason) would say "My name isss Tesssss" if she ever wanted to introduce herself and now we've started calling her Tess! 

Credits also go to autocorrect for replacing me saying Yess with Tess and starting this whole snake thing


Posted 2020-11-12 02:58:47

his full name is corn on the bob, nickname 'bob'


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