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Allow item catalogue to show your items

Allow item catalogue to show your items
Posted 2021-11-24 12:15:06 (edited)
A lot of people that play wolvden happen to be collectors, myself included. And we all know how utterly tedious it is trying to keep track of, and record what things we do and do not have. How much time have we spent with several tabs open, looking up items in one, comparing it to your hoard in another, and finally recording it out on whatever document you want it on? (Not to mention all the effort to keep it fully updated all the time) This is when i looked at the item catalogue and had an idea. Why does it not display how much of an item you have?

Im suggesting an update to the item catalogue to show how many of an item you own. This could be for both in-game items and custom decors. It would go just below the line that shows how many total are in-game. Example here —>
'[  ] exist in game'
'You own [  ]'

This would remove the tedious task of having to always keep track of all your items. Whether your decor collectors, trophy collectors, or custom decor collectors, all you need to do is sort through the item catalogue and it will already display what items you already have and which ones you still need to collect.

All this would take is some coding to link your hoard to the item catalogue. I dont know much about coding but I imagine it wouldn't be too excessively hard to pull off.


Posted 2024-09-17 13:14:58
✅ full on support

💠+++ An option to see what you own and reverse what you don't own kind of like the option that's already there blocking away custom decor. Basically an option to easily filter what you own and don't! Ofc with your idea of showing a little text pop up or just a number next to items own.

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