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Shadow’s Tale [Do Not Reply]

Shadow’s Tale [Do Not Reply]
Posted 2021-12-03 09:28:05 (edited)

0 years 2 months:
Shadow peeked out his little head to take a closer look. "What is happening?" He thought to himself as he settled his gaze  on his mother and at the strange white wolf with wings. Shadow was told by his mother that he must stay in their pack den while she went to "have a talk" with a white wolf. Being the stubborn and curious pup he was, Shadow sneaked out of the den and silently followed his mother and the mysterious wolf to a hidden area near their pack, then hid behind a large tree to avoid being detected.

" sure you want to give him away? He seems like a lovely young pup, full of life and joy. Why are you abandoning him with me? Can't you see he's extremely happy with yo-"

"Moonlight, stop it. We've already agreed to this-"

Moonlight... so that's the white wolf's name! Shadow continued to listen to the conversation.

"More like you lied to me about a pup far away from it's home. Don't play dumb with me, it's obvious that he is your pup. You thought I won't realize it, didn't you? You cheated on your mate, how could you? Then you decide to give Shadow away?! Your own pup?! This is preposterous!"

Shadow's eyes grew wide. Mom was going to give him away to that wolf? Tears began to sprout from his eyes as he took several steps away from the tree, away from the wolves. All of a sudden, a twig snapped. Shadow looked down at his paws, crap!

"Shadow, what are you doing here?!" Trembling with fright, Shadow slowly raised his head till he met his mother's eyes, staring at him as though he had murdered a wolf or human.

"Don't shout at him like that! You're scaring him, your name is Shadow, correct?" said the white wolf, expressing a look of both pity and sadness. Shadow nodded his head, tears spilling out of his blue eyes.

"Hey, hey. It's alright dearie, don't cry! O-Oh look, a butterfly, isn't it gorgeous?" said the white wolf again, trying her best to calm the little pup down. Shadow looked at the butterfly that Moonlight spotted, it was indeed beautiful. He slowly stepped towards the butterfly, eyes glistening with joy. The butterfly, as though as it knew what the pup was doing, approached Shadow and stood onto his nose. Shadow squealed with happiness and looked towards Moonlight and his mother. The white wolf let out a chuckle and had a smile on her face, but his mother had a large scowl on her face which reminded Shadow that he was going to be given away to the white wolf. Tears began to emerge from the poor pup's eyes.

"I had no choice." Those words were fragile, bound to break, but he could hear them oh so clearly.  With that, Shadow's mother slithered into the trees' grasp, leaving the crying pup and Moonlight together. Shadow let out a loud scream, his mother had left him.

"Hey, Shadow? Don't worry, come here baby, it's alright. Everything's alright." Moonlight said in a soothing voice, reassuring the pup that he was not alone. Shadow calmed down and stared at Moonlight with his still-teary eyes.

"I don't think I've introduced myself properly yet. My name is Moonlight, I'm the alpha of Moonshone Pack and I'm here to take you to my pack. It's a lovely small pack, you'll definitely enjoy it! We aren't the richest pack around, but we will spoil you with our love! Come on, time to get moving, dear. It's a bit far from here, so we'll have to start now. Don't worry about the rouge wolves, I'll deal with them! WHOOPS-" Moonlight exclaimed as she fell onto the ground, making a funny weird face expression in the process.

Shadow giggled with delight. Standing up, Moonlight laughed and started to head into the forest.

"Well, what are you waiting for, buddy? Let's go!" Shadow ran to catch up with Moonlight and off they went, with a butterfly trailing behind them.
[+1 Butterfly Decor]

0 years 2½ months:
It was time for Shadow's first training! A pack member by the name of Waffle was going to teach him about hiding, how exciting (and tiring)! They went to an extremely hidden area only the members of Moonshone Pack and a few other packs knew, it was a spring with a den! Shadow saw some pups and wolves there, he wanted to play with them but Waffle said that he could play with them after their training.
[+1 Secluded Spring Den]

0 years 3 months:
Shadow was taught to stalk birds today! He saw many beautiful birds flying high in the sky. Husky taught the young one everything he knew about birds, Shadow was so happy, but sadly, Husky had to leave to another pack tomorrow, upsetting Shadow when he heard the news.

0 years 4 months:
Shadow cried after Husky's departure. Moonlight comforted the sad pup and taught him about chasing and escaping, she also did many silly faces and made jokes to lighten up Shadow's mood. It worked!

0 years 6 months:
Shadow is now officially an adolescent! He grew larger and his bright blue eyes are even brighter than ever!

1 year 0 months:
Wings sprout behind Shadow's back.

It seems they finally saw him. No matter.

1 year 6 months:
When walking pass the pack's training grounds, Shadow spots a rather unfamiliar wolf. Guess he didn't know everyone after all. Shadow tilted his head a bit and stared at what seemed to be a practice battle between a wolf he knew, Bloodhound (Shadow didn't know why he was named that), and the wolf that he was unfamiliar with. The wolf bared his sharp teeth and let out a low growl. The two then lunged at each other as though trying to rip the other's throats into nothing but pieces of flesh. The fight went on for a few minutes before announcing the mysterious wolf as the victor. Shadow noticed that Bloodhound was wincing and rushed to help him out, after all, pack members must always take care of each other.

"Hey Bloodhound, are you alright? I can bring the herbalist here to heal you." asked Shadow in a worried tone.

"My hind leg hurts, but that's all. Thanks for your offer, Mister Shadow!" said the adolescent politely.

"Hey, I'm not that ol-" Before Shadow could finish, the adolescent ran off to his friends, leaving Shadow alone, smiling at the young one's enthusiasm.

Shadow shifted his gaze and spotted a wolf with an annoyed expression sitting under a tree, overlooking the other pack members in the training grounds. He realized that it was the wolf that had defeated Bloodhound. Wanting to get to know the wolf, Shadow approached him with a smile on his face.

"Hello there! I'm Shadow, what's your name?" asked Shadow when he caught the wolf's attention. The wolf grunted and ignored him. Shadow frowned, he hated being ignored. He then started to hum as he waiting for his answer. Shadow was going to get that wolf's name whether he liked it or not.

Extremely annoyed and irritated by Shadow's constant humming, the wolf finally snapped. "FINE. The name's Eternal! Can you just please be quiet?! I'm trying to concentrate here! I've got pups to teach and you're here just to annoy me, leave!" Eternal's sudden outburst shocked Shadow, everyone in the pack was always friendly towards him, even if some were extremely bored when talking to him, they would always stick around. He hated shouting mostly because it reminded him of his childhood, hearing his parents shout and scream at him nonstop.

Shadow sniffled and started to tear up, remembering the pain he had to endure before he was saved from his own family. He was always depicted as a sensitive wolf by his other pack members. Eternal looked up and was a bit surprised on why a fully grown adult male would cry. "What a weak wolf..." thought Eternal, feeling a little bad in the process. "Alright... I'll leave.." said Shadow, walking away, interrupting Eternal's thoughts.

"Wait!" heard Shadow, he looked at Eternal. "I'm...uh..sorry? Look- if it makes you feel better, do you want to take a walk with me in the woods after I'm finished with the pups?" Shadow smiled, "Sure! I'll wait. Goodbye, see you soon." he said, and quickly left. Eternal felt a tight knot in his heart right after Shadow left, but ignored it and continued on to overlook the pups and adolescents.

Several hours had passed, a tired Eternal arrived at the place where the two had decided to meet up at. Eternal and Shadow walked into the forest, talking as they walk through the woods. "....and then- AH!" Shadow yelped after he tripped on a pebble and landed on top of Eternal. Blushing in embarrassment, he immediately got up and apologized to Eternal. "Mm," responded Eternal, looking as though his mind has wandered off somewhere else. A few hours had gone by, both wolves went back at their pack, said their goodbyes and left.

The pebble? Well... let's just say it made history and gave them a chance they didn't realize they needed.

7 years 7½ months:
Death had come for Shadow, and all Eternal could do was give up on the endless fight and watch as his lover smiled at him and took his last breath.

The bloodmoon looked beautiful tonight.

Moonlight [ RARELY ON ]

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