Rushpaw trotted a little more carelessly ahead of her with clearly no regard for where his paws might be touching or how noisy he could be. It was all just effortless, like he had no care in the world. His tail was propped up all relaxed and excited at the same time. He'd never had a friend his age before! This was all so exciting! He stopped at a tree that had grown funky, sideways instead of upright like the normal trees they passed. "This is my favorite! I call it, Side Tree!" He laughed, hopping up onto the bark and shaking the leaves at her. "In new leaf it grows the most beautiful flowers! I like to line my nest with them. Gives a nice fresh scent to get rid of Chesnutpaw's attitude! Plus, between you and me, I think he's allergic to them"
Cinnamon smiled, though slightly nervously. "Be careful," She called, eying the tree. "Wait, is this safe to climb? I got stuck in a tree once and I don't want it to happen again-"
"Of course!!" He climbed up the tree, his tail swaying in a cocky manner. "That's the first thing I can say about the wild! Everything can be dangerous, but if you never take the chance, you'll miss out on the best views." He sat at the tallest part, where most of the leaves were. "Come on! I'll make sure you won't get stuck," he patted the spot beside him with his tail
Cinnamon hesitated, having a small flashback of the time where loud twolegs with a loud twoleg monster had been called and had wrenched her from the tree after trying to coax her down. Worth a shot, she decided, steeling her nerves. She took a running leap, fastening her claws in the trunk as soon as she landed on the tree. "Am I doing this right?" She called up to Rushpaw.
"Yeah! You're doing great!" He encouraged, watching her. "Just keep moving up, don't bother with looking down. Let it come naturally. It's in our instincts to climb, don't fight them!"
"Great pep talk," She called. Slowly and carefully, she made her way up the trunk till she came to rest at the top. She poked her head up through the lush foliage, sneezing out a small leaf that had got stuck in her nostril. "Well? How was that?"
He laughed, "that was awesome, kittypet!" He booped her nose with his tail before looking out above the treetops at the night sky. "Isn't it pretty? You can see where the river lies from here!"
Cinnamon turned her gaze to the glorious view spread out in front of them. "It's beautiful," She marvelled. "Is this whole thing ThunderClan territory?"
"Not all of it. See the river in the distance? That separates our territory from Riverclan's. And if you go the opposite direction of our camp, across the thunder path your twolegs travel on, that's shadowclan territory." He explained, "then next to riverclan, you can't see it from here, but that's windclan."