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A Leader's Questions...

Posted 2023-06-02 06:38:17
The Massive brute, towering over the others, studied them. They spoke of various things, things the blood-tinted wolf-dog knew. One discussed their relations with the pack, a lie. He said he was a powerful leader, But Lucifer thought different. The bronze alpha posed a question, which a nearby wolf heard.. Biomes. He zoned out for that question. His mind was foggy. What was happening? A slobbery substance, froth, foam. It dripped from his jaws in a few small drips, then it stopped.  Baffling eyes locked onto the stern glare of a she-wolf, which he returned with a growl.
A Blood-stained muzzle screamed wrathfully, eyes glistening with hate.
Things his pack knew well.
" I exiled- Half of my " He coughed, snapping, " Pack..Long ago. Permanently. They were- we-" He trailed off, glazy focuses catching the other wolves, " weak. I do not tolerate weakness. Few are..Born str-..Strong in this land, and we are the strongest few. " He finished with a bark, frightful stare lazily turning to a wolf.
" My..My pack has a fight..To the death to determine Who-Who leads, what about you..Runt? "

Su̶l̶l̶e̶n̶ Night Chat

Posted 2023-06-02 10:06:26 (edited)
Enlight couldn't help but glare daggers into the wolf before her. She was beyond insulted by his behaviour. A huff escaped their maw before they spoke, "When the Northward Shores' current leader reaches five years of age, they will begin to look for agreeable traits in any pups the pack raises. An heir must be chosen before the lead wolf reaches six. When one is found, a ceremony will be held to accept them as the heir and future leader." To avoid further confrontation, Enlight left it at that and turned away. Their dark silver fur prickled with frustration.

The leader then came face-to-face with another wolf. Enlight must have startled them due to how suddenly she turned. She would back away to give them their personal space and proceeded to dip her head in respect. It was becoming clear to her that turning without warning was seen negatively. Enlight took a moment before beginning to speak, "Apologies. I do have a question, though. Would you consider yourself to have strong morals? And do you follow these morals regardless of what happens? And when it comes to your pack, would you say they follow these same morals too?"


Posted 2023-06-02 17:55:10
Blazestar nodded slowly. "Well of course! I strongly believe that an honorable wolf is a kind one."  She nodded to the wolf on her left, smiling. "What do you do to blow off steam?"

✧・:* 𝔼ℚ𝕌𝕀ℕ𝕆𝕏 *:・✧

Posted 2023-06-02 20:48:30
Shuichi sighed, before looking away embarrasedly. "I- uh... Yell at fish. I know it's weird but.. It helps, for some reason when i'm stressed. Always brings a smile to my face." He laughed, before turning to the next wolf. "Uhm... How does your pack choose the next heir?"


Posted 2023-06-05 16:52:59
"Our pack has only had two leaders before myself," Zephyrus said coolly, "Both times they sought out leaders they believed had traits worth passing on."

He stretched his paws a bit, "Our previous lead, Ulrik, was chosen because he was a strong wolf with a valuable mutation." Zephyrus rolled onto his side with a smile on his muzzle. "Same goes for me, though it was mainly my good looks that won them over."

Zephyrus snickered to himself before turning to the wolf beside him. "My question is… do you ever have problems with neighboring packs? As in territory disputes and the like?"


Posted 2023-07-21 10:15:17
Aspen Crown sits back on their haunches, thinking.
"I have not led the pack for very long, but we are nomadic, and used to disputes when we settle in other pack's lands. The pack settles in unoccupied territory, and we follow a cycle, returning to the same dens over and over. My scouts check the old dens a month before we move, so we can be sure we are not disturbing other packs."

She turns to the next wolf, thinking about the strange creatures her scouts have reported. "What are your opinions on the strange cryptids coming to the lands? Do you trust them, or do you think they are something to be driven out?"

Ghost of the Brook

Posted 2023-07-23 16:35:36
Tenno stepped forward, his dragon pendant shimmered in the light as he sat down...
"I know of these beasts you speak of.... But only because of the pendant passed down from leader to leader in my pack. Assuming the roll of Tenno also assumes the knowledge of all past leaders. I myself have never seen these beasts, and most other young leads have not either, I shalln't spoil it now."

"You, yes you. The wolf in the back." Tenno stood up, "do you have a love for the tier 1s? And if so who is your favorite T1 in your pack?

Captain Hakob

Posted 2023-07-23 18:31:00
Amaqjuaq flicked his ears dismissively as he was being addressed. "I have little love for anyone in my tribe aside from my mate,"  he stated simply, "as long as they're strong enough to pull their own weight I couldn't care less about what they look like."

A moment after speaking he turned his head to the wolf next to him, gazing at them deeply with his bone-colored wolfish eyes. "Are there any wolves in your pack with.. strange markings? I've seen few wolves with shades of blue or green. Why is their fur this way?"


Posted 2023-07-23 22:13:02 (edited)
Adonis looked the wolf next to him, then his own, pink~ish fur and then back to the wolf. Was they saying that the bright colors in the wolves isnt something that the other leader wasnt used to?
"I dont know, we all have our markings. Some of us just have them more bright than the others" he said and then continued,
"The thing is, why somewolves get odd colors in their eyes or fur when they alredy are adult? I can understand being born with green markings or red eyes. But how those come to be seen after someone is already adult?"
He shifted focus to the next wolf in line. "Do you know what kind of magic is it? It surely doesnt seem natural that wolves can change colors after born!"

Posted 2023-07-24 10:49:09
Rykanen's golden eyes gleamed. At his feet, his two brown pups tussled happily. The fur on their backs was covered in light glowing dust, just like their mother's pelt.
"Magic is inexplicable by definition" he declared, If it wasn't, it would be science. Our world has is barely touched by it but on special nights it is possible to journey in the reals of the moon, and there, everything is magic. When I was a young leader, my fur was grey but see me now, after the blue rays of the moon left their merks on me."
He then turned to the next in line: "I wonder if you have ever met the charged beasts of the land of dreams. I met a few, fought a few, and killed a few. But some got away. They are strong, stronger than any other. What power resides inside them and fills them with the lightning of the sky?"

mALEc 🌸🐰 🌸

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