All recipes require the necessary ingredients AND the listed price.
Acorn Bundle Decor π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Angel Oak π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Arizona White Oak Sapling π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Arnica Meadow πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Arnica
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Arnica
Background Rocks [Gray] πͺ¨π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 15 Large Rocks
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Large Rocks
Base Applicator [Fox] π π
Ingredients -
Β β’Β 1 Remnant: Fox Skull
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Fox Tail [Red]
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Fox Pelt [Red]
Β β’ 20 Canine Fang
Β β’ 20 Canine Claw
Cost β’ 100
or Any 3 Fox/Canine Ingredients
Blooming Garlic πΏπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Garlic
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Garlic
Blossoming Guaiac Tree πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Guaicum
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Guaicum
Bone Decor π¦΄
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Bone
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Bone/Bone Remnant
Broken Antler Decor
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Broken Antler
Cost β’ 35
or 1 Broken Antler
Burning Bush Crown πΏπ π π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Burning Bush
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Toucan Feather
Cost β’ 150
or 3 Burning Bush and 3 Toucan Feathers (Not Remnants)
Burning Bush Tree πΏπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Burning Bush
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Burning Bush
Cedar Trees πΏπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Cedar Bark
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Cedar Bark
Charged Eyes ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 20 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 2 Charged Eyeball
Cost β’ 50
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Cozy Nest ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Turmeric
Β β’ 15 Remnant: Essence-Covered Feather
Β β’ 15 Large Branch
Cost β’ 50
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Dandelion Decor πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Dandelion
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Dandelion
Deer Ear Accessory π π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Deer Ear
Cost β’ 75
or 2 Deer Ears
Den of Pelts π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Wolf Pelt [Brown]
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Wolf Pelt [Red]
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Coyote Pelt
Cost β’ 75
or Any 3 Extra Ingredients
Desolate Cave πͺ¨π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Large Rocks
Cost β’ 75
or 5 Large Rocks
Elk Ear Accessory π π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Elk Ears
Cost β’ 75
or 2 Elk Ears
Eye Applicator [Fox] π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 2 Remnant: Fox Skull
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Fox Tail [Gray]
Β β’ 3 Remnant: Fox Pelt [Gray]
Β β’ 10 Canine Fang
Β β’ 10 Canine Claw
Cost β’ 100
or Any 3 Fox Ingredients
Fallen Tree πͺ΅π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Large Branches
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Large Branches
Flickering Meadow ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 15 Flickering Flower
Β β’ 15 Large Leaf
Β β’ 10 Dandelion
Cost β’ 25
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Gambel Oak Sapling π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Gathering Lunar Butterflies ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 St. John's Wort
Β β’ 15 Butterfly Wing
Β β’ 15 Large Leaf
Cost β’ 35
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Gem Cave ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 1 Charged Core
Β β’ 15 Large Rock
Cost β’ 35
or 1 Charged Core
Goldenseal AccentπΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Goldenseal
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Goldenseal
Green Meadow πΏπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 St. John's Wort
Cost β’ 50
or 5 St. John's Wort
Guaiacum Crown πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Guaiacum
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Guaiacum
Large Branch Decor πͺ΅π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 15 Large Branches
Cost β’ 50
or 4 Large Branches
Leftover Bones π¦΄π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Remnant: Bone
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Bones (Not Remnants)
Lunar Butterflies ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 20 Butterfly Wings
Cost β’ 35
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Lunar Fur Dust ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 15 Essence-Covered Fur Clump
Cost β’ 35
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Lunar Glowing Claws ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 15 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 5 Glowing Claw
Cost β’ 35
or 1 Glowing Claw
Moose Ear Accessory π π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Moose Ears
Cost β’ 75
or 2 Moose Ears
Mountain Laurel Blossoms πΏπ π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Spoonwood
Cost β’ 75
or 5 Spoonwood
Mushroom Path ππ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 1 Growth Root
Β β’ 5 Remnant: Growth Chunk
Β β’ 15 Large Leaf
Cost β’ 35
or Any 2 Extra Ingredients
Northern Red Oak Sapling π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Owl Talon Necklace
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Owl Talon
Cost β’ 35
or 3 Owl Talons/Owl Talon Remnants
Parrot Feather Decor πͺΆπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Parrot Feather
Cost β’ 50
or 2 Parrot Feathers/Parrot Feather Remnants
Pasadena Oak Branch π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Pose Variant [Sentinel] π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 15 Glowing Spores
Β β’ 2 Remnant: Wolf Skull
Β β’ 2 Remnant: Wolf Tail
Β β’ 4 Canine Fang
Β β’ 4 Canine Claw
Cost β’ 100
or 3 Wolf Tails/Wolf Tail Remnants or 2 Canine Claws/Fangs
Puffin Colony πͺΆπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Puffin Feather
Cost β’ 50
or 2 Puffin Feathers/Puffin Feather Remnants
Rabbit Foot Den π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 5 Lucky Feet
Β β’ 10 Large Rocks
Β β’ 10 Large Branches
Cost β’ 50
or Any 3 Extra Ingredients
Red Oak Branch [Green] π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Red Oak Branch [Red] π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Redwood Sorrel Meadow πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Redwood Sorrel
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Redwood Sorrel
Scarce Understory [Green] ππͺ΅
Ingredients -
Β β’ 4 Large Leaf
Β β’ 4 Large Branch
Cost β’ 35
or Any Cave Material
Scattered Bones π¦΄
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Bone
Cost β’ 25
or 2 Bones (
Scattered Rocks πͺ¨π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Large Rocks
Cost β’ 35
or 2 Large Rocks
Scattered Sticks πͺ΅π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 4 Large Branches
Cost β’ 35
or 1 Large Branch
Valley Oak π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
White Oak Sapling π°
Ingredients -
Β β’ 6 Remnant: Acorn
Cost β’ 25
or 1 Acorn/Acorn Remnant
Wild Toucans π π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Remnant: Toucan Feather
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Toucan Feathers (Not Remnants)
Winterfat Trail πΏπ
Ingredients -
Β β’ 30 Winterfat
Cost β’ 50
or 5 Winterfat
Yarrow Decor πΏπ π
Ingredients -
Β β’ 10 Yarrow
Cost β’ 50
or 3 Yarrow