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Draw The Wolf Above You

Draw The Wolf Above You
Posted 2021-12-28 19:50:30 (edited)
This is just lighthearted creative fun. How to play is simple, just post claiming a wolf from the person who posted above you, and draw a wolf from their den! You can doodle, sketch, color or go all out with a background and everything. Once you have completed your drawing, just edit it into your post so the claiming order is not mixed up. The next person to claim a spot will draw one of your wolves! There's no skill requirements, just have fun!

I'll start with my girl Sirue, who happens to be very pregnant.


Posted 2021-12-28 19:56:35
Can it be a colorless sketch? I can do colored still, just wondering!

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2021-12-28 19:57:45 (edited)
also claim!
Edit: It will probably be done tomorrow or after that, as it is getting late XD
Edit 2: Done! Here ya go!

Frisk | lights off

Posted 2021-12-28 19:58:42
(Disregard post, Frisk is up next)
Yes you can do a colorless sketch!


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