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Posted 2022-02-01 17:51:39
that's alright!)

Avaria looks around with a rumbling laugh, getting up and nudging Frost. May as well try now she thought, stepping away and beating her wings, jumping and managing to hover in the air for a few seconds before slamming back down. She grumbled happily, shaking her wings and watching Forst to see if she'd copy.

š“†¸phrog-dandelion dealerā„¢

Posted 2022-02-01 17:53:29
Frost watched the dragon and started flapping her wings furiously, only managing to make the grass around her bend.

Posted 2022-02-01 17:57:43
Avaria did it again, not managing to hold herself up as long but moving forward a few metres instead. She wobbled at the landing but grinned all the same, nudging Frost in silent encouragement.

š“†¸phrog-dandelion dealerā„¢

Posted 2022-02-01 17:59:02
Frost jumped into the air, managing to hold for a split second before falling back down.

Posted 2022-02-01 18:08:03
Avaria rumbled happily and pushed herself up again, holding it there for a minute or so before she came back down. That was enough for now, she was tired and her wings hurt... but if Frost wanted to stay out she would as well.

š“†¸phrog-dandelion dealerā„¢

Posted 2022-02-01 18:10:31
Frost seemed to have an inexhaustible source of energy and continued trying to fly, successfully hovering a bit. Frost yips excitedly and nudges Avaria happily.

Posted 2022-02-01 18:14:48
Avaria's tail swished happily and she nudged Frost back, very happy that she had managed to hover.

š“†¸phrog-dandelion dealerā„¢

Posted 2022-02-01 18:15:37
Frost jumps around, flapping as fast as a hummingbird.

Posted 2022-02-01 18:20:58
With a laugh Avaria keeps watching, batting at Frost with her paws carefully.

š“†¸phrog-dandelion dealerā„¢

Posted 2022-02-01 18:22:46
Frost evades most of the bats, but gets bowled over after a while. She giggles and batts at Avaria, her tiny paws coming into contact with the larger dragon.

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