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What Wolf Would You Steal?

Posted 4 days ago
Stealing your stud. I love pie wolves


Posted 4 days ago (edited)
• L ı x ı a ŋ •

Abyss (Sethos my boy 💚)

Posted 3 days ago
Anubis is now mine >:D


Posted 3 days ago
Love the Sepia so much link


Posted 3 days ago
Stealing Nymeria

Abyss (Sethos my boy 💚)

Posted 3 days ago
Stealing your leader.

Shapeshifter the goldwing

Posted 3 days ago
Nope. Never heard of anyone named glacier on land
*glances awkwardly at the moving sack I'm carrying*


Posted 1 day ago
Gonna steal Famine real quick, thanks :P


Posted 1 day ago
Stealing Dusza rarely see tranquil eyes anymore and hes gorgeouss

Posted 1 day ago (edited)
I promise i'm not stealing him i'm just…. Borrowing IDOL… forever

Please choose someone other than the obvious ones (Orca & Cyvaros) i'd love to see someone else get some attention

Abyss (Sethos my boy 💚)

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