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What Wolf Would You Steal?

Posted 3 days ago
I like him because of the  Piebald: Biewer

Posted 3 days ago
this is a cool NBW

Abyss (Sethos my boy 💚)

Posted 2 days ago
Wow, I want to steal Eros Lovefinder!!!


Posted 2 days ago
I would steal Pizzicato (Ren-iz) because I love pie's!


Posted 2 days ago (edited)

Stealing markings look so cool


Posted 2 days ago (edited)
Phoenix, one word. Turquoise.

Abyss (Sethos my boy 💚)

Posted 2 days ago
Stealing Abyss. Pretty wolf


Posted 2 days ago
Your wolves are pretty! Stealing Xavier.


Posted 2 days ago
Blossom gently picks up the pup by the scruff of their neck and runs away. (Seriously though, I LOVE merle!) link


Posted 2 days ago
I'm quickly just gonna take Iris, thank you...


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