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LF: Members for a Wolf Pack RP

Posted 2022-02-04 08:41:41
Role: Scout
Name: Verticiis (Vert-uh-Sees)
Age: 2 years 6 months
Sexuality: Asexual
Gender: Male
Appearance: link
Personality: A calm wolf, he is always patient with everyone. He doesn't have much of a temper and most of the time, he can be found underneath an oak tree. He isn't magical, but some may think he is based off of his appearance.
(Let me know if you want me to add more to his personality.)

Posted 2022-02-04 14:39:57
@Russia Hi! The link to the RP is on the page before this one.

Posted 2022-02-04 20:29:08 (edited)
Alright! Though, am I in..? Or do I have to submit the character in the RP thread?

Posted 2022-02-23 17:02:52
| I hope this is still open|

Role: Puppsitter
Name: Calypso
Age: 2 years
Sexuality: Pansexual
gender: Female
Personality: Sweet, Adventurous, Creative, feisty, bad temper, patient
Theme song (Optional):

| Might have to put the links in|

Posted 2022-03-16 15:53:22
Am I allowed to join?
Role scout of the dreamland
Name shattered moonlight
Age 2years
Gender male

Cornsnake enthusiast

Posted 2022-03-16 16:29:07
I'm so sorry for not answering for so long! You're all in! Here's the link for the official RP Thread: link

Posted 2022-12-02 15:30:26
Is it ok if I join this rp?

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