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Private Roleplay with EmbersToFlames

Posted 2022-05-01 16:24:32
"Hm." Dusk was unafraid of Obscurum, unlike most of the other wolves. She understood shadows. She understood being ignored and unnoticed. "Well, I trust Verdance, and I trust you."
"Have fun and screw around. I'm great at that." Twilight snickered.

Posted 2022-05-01 16:26:22
"Good." Obscurum said, no one knew solitude and shadows better than she. No one were more knowledgeable of silence and exclusion. Her mother barely loved her, of course no one else did.

Posted 2022-05-01 16:29:28
(Okay okay hear me out)
(Obscurum and Dusk as a best friend power couple)

Posted 2022-05-01 16:30:01
"Well, have fun with Viridescence!" Twilight called as he was dragged out of the scene by Dusk.

Posted 2022-05-01 16:30:24
(It would take an obnoxious amount of time for Obscurum to talk to Dusk any more she needed to.)

Posted 2022-05-01 16:30:56
(But still)

Posted 2022-05-01 16:30:57
"No, I will not." Obscurum said, fading away.

Posted 2022-05-01 16:33:34
"Twilight, why are you so heavy? You're the size of an ant." Dusk muttered as she contributed dragging Twilight away.
"Boring. You're boring."
"Same thing."
"You're an idiot."

Posted 2022-05-01 16:34:40
(Those two are hilarious)
The world darkened under the rule of Obscurum, literally. It was literally a substantial amount darker each day.

Posted 2022-05-01 16:38:39
(That's the point)
Dusk looked up. "Hmm." She shrugged and continued arguing with Twilight, all the way back to the den.

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