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Private Roleplay with EmbersToFlames

Posted 2022-05-01 16:58:19
Obscurum saw them approach as the shadows writhed with excitement. Food? No. The shadows curled in anger, speaking furiously in the old language.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:01:41
Dusk's ears pricked as she overheard the ancient language. "Hello. I brought an offering." She threw down a deer carcass that she and Twilight had been carrying.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:03:16
Feast. Obscurum said in a slithering voice as tentacles of shadow grabbed and shredded apart, causing it to rain blood, however the entire carcass, bones and everything was absorbed and consumed in less than 2 seconds. "Why have you come?" She asked Dusk, ignoring Twilight.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:04:20
Twilight took note of this and squawked indignantly.
Dusk shrugged. "Not much. I like to keep in touch with allies." She replied.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:06:24
Obscurum rose from her throne, many times larger than she should be. She gave a small chuckle, "Allies, you say. No, we have a different relationship." A crown of shadows wreathed her head as the hint of a smile came to her face.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:09:21
"If you're going to do something violent at least let me kill Twilight first." Dusk said in a voice that was almost bored.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:10:37
"Oh no, why should I kill you, little sister? Favored one." Obscurum said, a hint of spite in her otherwise perfectly calm voice.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:31:21
Dusk shrugged nonchalantly. "It's not my fault Verdance pretends to care about all of us equally. It's not the life of luxury being the favorite, either."

Posted 2022-05-01 17:33:16
Obscurum gives a dry, sarcastic laugh. "Oh yes, so difficult being given everything, so difficult being loved and cared for. Oh wow on you." She said, controlling her emotions.

Posted 2022-05-01 17:47:26
Dusk rolled her eyes. "I honestly don't care if you kill me at this point. I'm tired of being Verdance's pet. You don't know how many times I've wanted to help you, but here comes Verdance, thinking that I'm perfectly fine with just going along with her decisions, like making me a leader against my will."

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