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[Closed] Design My Next Breeding Male! Win Art, GC, and Studdings!

[Closed] Design My Next Breeding Male! Win Art, GC, and Studdings!
Posted 2022-03-06 17:52:22 (edited)

The Winners!

The contest has ended! Thank you so much to everyone who has participated!

Hey there!
I thought it'd be fun to host a small contest to design my next breeding male!

This is Edwyn! Here's what he looks like currently.

Design Notes

  • I tend to like natural-looking wolves with subdued coloring, but this doesn't mean you can't use blue or green. <3
  • Markings and eye colors must be available via customization or applicator. No breed-only markings or eye colors. Otherwise, you can use whatever markings you want.
  • The following must stay: Slate base and Slot 1: Zircon Tamaskan Unders.

If you'd like some design inspiration, here are some ideas I've been toying with for him, but of course, feel free to do something completely different or wild! You never know what new look might pique my interest. :)

Remember, these are only ideas! I want to see your creativity too. <3 If I wanted to stay inside my own design patterns, I wouldn't be hosting this contest.
Leaving marking slots blank won't disqualify your design from winning, though don't be surprised if I add my own creativity into the mix later. ;)


There will be three winners, and if for some reason I don't like any of the designs enough to apply to my male, I will still be handing out some prizes. ;)

Winners will not be judged on decor or background, so you don't have to include them in your designs, though you may! I will choose winners based on the cohesiveness of the design and how much it appeals to my own design sensibilities. Variants are okay too, though I will pose the wolf based on how I see him and how the markings look on that particular variant.

1st Place Winner Receives:

  • Your design will be applied to Edwyn
  • 2 portraits of any two wolves (or one wolf) of your choice from your den
  • 20 GC
  • 4 Redeemed Studs from my breeding male

2nd Place Winner Receives:

  • 1 portrait of any wolf of your choice from your den
  • 10 GC
  • 2 Redeemed Studs from my breeding male

3rd Place Winner Receives:

  • 5 GC
  • 1 Redeemed Stud from my breeding male

  • You may create as many entries as you like, but only one entry per person may be a winner.
  • Please note that portraits will take me some time to complete due to my busy schedule. For portrait examples, see the thread here, or visit my deviantART page.

End Date: Tuesday, March 22, 2022

To enter, post wardrobe link of your design!

Images are welcome for ease of viewing, but optional for those with limited HTML knowledge.

Indy .: HM :.

Posted 2022-03-06 17:52:30 (edited)

Entrant Post 1

Thank you, everyone who has entered so far!

Listed alphabetically by entrant name.

Don't see your entry? There is a second entrant post here!Entrant Post 3

Entry 1

Entry 1

Entry 1
Entry 2

Entry 1

Entry 1

Entry 1

Entry 1
Entry 2
Entry 3
Entry 4
Entry 5
Entry 6
Entry 7
Entry 8
Entry 9
Entry 10
Entry 11
Entry 12
Entry 13
Entry 14
Entry 15
Entry 16
Entry 17
Entry 18
Entry 19
Entry 20
Entry 21
Entry 22
Entry 23

Indy .: HM :.

Posted 2022-03-07 00:15:59
-Celtic Gem-

Posted 2022-03-07 06:26:22

Click images for wardrobe links!

Markings should all be available via applicators, didn't mess with skin etc., only changed the eyes on the first design to Sapphire, although they would also look good as Bioluminescent Indigo like in a couple of your designs :)
I threw in some decor but I didn't change any poses since I find it easier to properly judge how a design looks just on the base adult wolf.

This was fun! Good luck finding a design you like :)


Posted 2022-03-07 12:26:01
Here's my first entry! This was fun ^^


Posted 2022-03-08 11:16:13 (edited)
Here's the design's

No Variant
Relaxed Variant
Sentinel Variant


Posted 2022-03-08 12:00:28
Thank you so much to everyone who has entered thus far. <3 You've made some very beautiful designs so far.
I look forward to seeing more as the contest continues forward.

Indy .: HM :.

Posted 2022-03-08 12:13:14
Here's my entry! ^^

Default pose
Relaxed pose


Posted 2022-03-09 06:36:26
Here's my entry


Posted 2022-03-09 06:47:42 (edited)
Here's another!



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