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~The Wolfpack~

Posted 2022-03-19 10:33:26 (edited)
{OOC} - Well Lavender Mist is somewhere 2,5 years

The she-wolf moves her tail side-to-side, impatient of what is happening. She sighs, gazing at Citrine.
"You know, I maybe can do it myself."
Lavender Mist tries to pull the pesky thin thorn out of her skin, but that caused it to get deeper and get out of sight. The she-wolf holds back a whine. Regretting her move, she rests her head on her paws and pulls the damaged one out even more. Shouldn't have done that, she stops the glow in her purple eyes.

{OOC} - I forgot to state her personality:
Impatient, confident and trusting

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-19 11:02:51
Jasper's ear twitched. His faintly spotted legs were stretched out for a few moments. Slowly, he got up and dropped by the herbalist den. He noticed the two wolves pulling out something he couldn't see out of a paw.

    He turned his large golden head and noticed a wolf licking leg wounds. "Is everything alright? Do you guys need any help in here?" His ears were flattened against his broad head.
[OOC] Hah Jasper is actually almost 4 years! 3 years & 10½ months to be exact.

Posted 2022-03-19 11:16:07 (edited)
Citrine didn't look up, still working the tweezers around the stubborn thorn.
"Everything's perfectly fine," she said with a tight grimace. She had been working this torn for around 18 minutes and it was still stubbornly in place. She glanced up at Lavender mist. "This is gonna hurt, quite a bit, it's being very stubborn," she said with a sigh. Citrine clenched her jaw around the tweezers and yanked it. It slipped out. She hurriedly dropped the tweezers and picked up the salve to stop the the bleeding.
"See just fine," she bandaged up Lavender and Turned towards Jasper. "How can I help ya?"

(OOC) Citrine is pretty young, she's about two years old, but she has a ton of experience.

Posted 2022-03-19 11:21:56
Arcadia perked his ears towards the alpha, still focused on cleaning his dripping wound.
"I'll be fine." He said towards Jasper.
The beta continued to clean his wound, patiently awaiting his turn to be treated. His maw seeped blue mist as he cleaned his leg. The mist slowly dissolved into nothing as it trailed a few feet away.

Posted 2022-03-20 01:53:38 (edited)
Lavender Mist thankfully gazes at Citrine and then at Jasper.
"We're good, I suppose!"

She heads out of the herbalist den. Alright, time for activities! Her dark blue paws touch the ground in a rhythm which goes faster as she begins to run, rushing through the fresh forest breeze. Entering the evergreen dwelling, once again deciding which path to go, the female follows the road to a swamp she's almost scouted. Walking and walking, carefully, very carefully...

Alright, again all in the mud. Why couldn't she find another forest, but this dirty swamp?! Fine.. Grunting, she trots down the new territory, observing it closely. Ooh! She hears distant raven cawing. Following the sound, Lavender Mist finds the bird sitting on a rock. As she comes closer, the feathered creature begins to fly away, slowly and looking back at the wolf.

"I got you, buddy!"

She carefully follows the raven, time-to-time gazing up to not lose the trail of the black one. Hmm, and the bird lands on a large rock. She sniffs around the rock. Ooh! There was lying a useful surprise! She picks up the few feathers, they were including: 2 grouse feathers, a blue jay feathers and.... A parakeet feather? This means, a rainforest is close!

Lavender Mist smells the air.. Warmth.. She dashes into the direction it was coming from, and a few minutes, she's in front a large exotic place. Woah! So much birds! And they're.. So friendly. One macaw lands on Lavender Mist's back, she wags her tail and looks back at the feathered one. So sweet! Trying to imitate a chirp, the sound she did was a funny, squeaky growl. The macaw tilts it's head and answers with a scream, trying to preen the wolf's fur as it does with it's feathers. Heh, cute one! She shakes her fur and watches the bird fly away, mesmerised by it's beauty and large personality.
Well, time to remember the way and come next time!

The female was about to turn back, but to her surprise.. The macaw returned with a chestnut. Using it's beak to nudge it's find to Lavender Mist, the bird questioningly gazes at her.

"Ooh, what do you want, buddy?"

The bird pokes it.

"Hm, alright."

The she-wolf looks closer. It wasn't a chestnut! The bird tried to give her a bitter guarana fruit! Thank you, little one! Lavender Mist dips down and touches her nose with the macaw's beak, and heads to camp.
She forgot everything.. She drops the guarana and feathers infront of her, then falls on the ground and turns her eyes onto the sky, wondering what was that bird thinking and why was it so.. Kind. And intelligent.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-20 10:57:47 (edited)
"Very well," Jasper smiled. Sheesh! Lavender Mist rushed out in a hurry, he thought to himself. He dipped his head in a goodbye and turned around to leave the herbalist's sacred den. "Hope you feel better, Arcadia."

    His golden fur was still glowing. He slipped through the trees, his golden glow fading away. The wolves knew by now Liesal was always in charge when he was gone. Say, how is Liesal? Agh! Focus Jasper. You need to hunt! And for real this time!!

    Soft paws skidded to a stop. He lifted his nose to sniff out some new prey. Prey that wasn't a kit. He weaved through the trees, searching for a scent to flood into his nostrils.

    After a bit of searching and sniffing the air, he caught something. A river! I could fish there!! he thought excitedly. Jasper made his way over to the river. The same river where the beaver was hurt was up ahead. He continued on.

    The light began to fade a tad bit, and it was slowly getting dark. It was the evening now. As he got close enough, he dipped his paw into the cold water. "Ewww," he whispered.

    "Oh, don't be so afraid. It's just water, after all," a voice replied. Jasper's ears flicked and he whipped around. The scent of whoever was talking was somehow hidden. How- his thoughts were interrupted. "Hey, hey hey! Don't be scared. I won't hurt you!"

[OOC]: A NEW wolfie!!!

Posted 2022-03-21 06:07:28
Lavender Mist wakes up after short nap. Still thinking about the macaw and tripping on the way to the rainforest, she begins to smoothly switch her walk to an excited run. Heh, she probably found a best friend!

Ten minutes, and she's in the rainforest. The female impatiently settles down and curls her tail around her paws, hoping to hear a single bird sound.
And… Yes!
Distant macaw screams! Lavender Mist rushes into that direction, stopping in front of a large, tall tropical tree.
Once again, she tries to imitate that call, resulting in a squeaky growl. Oh? She spots the same macaw flying to her. Well, hello little one! Lavender Mist smiles lightly.

The macaw gazes at her and tries to repeat.. Not his kind's scream. The sound she did! What a smart creature… The she-wolf observes it closer. Very interesting.


Her feathered friend plucked a chunk of her fur.

«Now that's not cool!»

Lavender Mist glares at him, and the bird settles down at her back, questioningly screaming.

«Right.. You need a name..»

The macaw screams.


Another scream.

«Maybe.. Squawk? Yeah, that fits you.»

The macaw tilts it's head. Lavender Mist does the same, for a moment, the bird meet's it gaze with the wolf's, and flies away, dropping one of it's largest red tail feathers.

«A pleasant gift! But maybe, I'll keep that…»

The she-wolf shuffles in attempts to put the feather in her ears, and after a couple of minutes the feather looked like an amazing decoration, but for Lavender Mist it was more of a nice memory.

«Well, bye, Squawk.»

She turns back from the rainforest, knowing this isn't the last time.

Once again ten minutes pass, and she's in the camp, breathing shallow.

{OOC} - Feel free to interact!

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-21 07:29:23

"Just five more minutes."

Tug. Again, harder and more insistent.

Soleil groaned, uncurling from the tight ball he was tucked into and yawning widely. "Ok, ok! I'm up."

Craning his head around, he stared daggers at the dove perched on his back, who glanced back innocently, rustling its pastel feathers and cooing. They locked gazes for a few seconds, before he sighed and scrambled to his feet, shaking an indignant dove off with a loud flutter of wings.

(TBC, gotta sleep so ignore for now!)

𓆏 rainbowjewel 𓂏𓁹

Posted 2022-03-21 08:15:07
Evening light filtered into the makeshift den and a large wolf shifted slightly. Night opened an eye before yawning. Night time was coming. Fit his name nicely. Night stretched his long legs before looking outside. He shook out his fur before walking outside. The rainforest was lively tonight, the parakeets seemed to be hyped up about something. They stayed away from him though, he didn't blame them. The bird meat was stringy.

Night trotted forward, making sure not to leave any footprints back to his den. Weaving through the trees, he came to the river. Lapping up some water, he swiveled his ears to make sure nothing was creeping up on him. Jaguars would be out by now, he would have to watch the trees. Evening made it the perfect time to hunt for him. His pelt could blend in easily with the darkness. A bush rustled and Night dropped into a crouch. Slinking into some tall grass, he watched where the sound had come from.

A small jaguar came out accompanied with a cub. Not prey. Night backed up slowly before wading across the river. He swam a circle once before getting to the other side. The rainforest was quiet over here. He knew the border to the swamp was close by. Trotting through the woods, he dropped into a crouch as he spotted movement. A buck moved carefully through the trees, heading back towards the river. Meaning it was coming towards him.

Thankfully though, Night was downwind. He waited as the deer paused before suddenly shooting out of the bushes. The deer bucked before hurtling towards the swamp. Night stayed on its heels before biting at its back leg. The deer stumbled, Night didn't hesitate. His fangs ripped through the leg, tripping the deer. A moment later, his jaws closed around the deer's throat. He waited until it stopped struggling before releasing it.

Licking his jaws, Night looked around once before tearing into the deer, eating his breakfast.

{OOC} - Feel free to interact!


Posted 2022-03-21 08:39:22 (edited)
Yuli yawned and stretched and as she rolled out of her leafy nest in the pup's den. Evening light filtered through the branches and brambles as she itched a brown and ashy ear and shook off the last of her nap. Turning to look at her littermate, she nudged the smaller female with her nose. "Quiet, lets go play." She said, grey eyes twinkling in the low light. Quiet peeked open one electric blue eye and quickly closed it again. She didnt like being woken up, no matter what time of day it was. "Come onnn," crooned Yuli, bending down so her chest was on the ground and tail in the air, "we could out and find some bones to mess with - OH! or we could hunt beetles!" Yuli reverses her position so she was sitting straight upright. Quiet again peeked open an eye. She did like hunting beetles, the rainbow colored ones were her favorite. Their shiny carapaces absolutely enthralled her. Though they really weren't supposed to leave camp without an older wolf, they did it plenty and no-one ever really tried to stop them. The black furred puppy finally pulled herself up from the nest she had halfway buried herself in, shook off some leaves that had clung to her small body, and followed her brown counterpart out into the evening air.
(Anyone is free to answer and interact :))

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