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The 7 wonders Rp (open)

The 7 wonders Rp (open)
Posted 2022-03-20 07:42:36
If you are new here please go fill out a charecter sheet here Charecter sheet only 3 more spots open!

You are a normal person living a normal human life. On your birthday you go to sleep and awake to an incredible horrifying surprise. The world has forgotten you and you have incredible powers. You soon realize 6 other people in the world has had the same thing happen to them. Same birthday and everything. Each Wonder gets a spirit guide that only the wonders can talk and see. They spirit guides take form relating to the person's gifts.
You must set out across the world to find the other Wonders and see why this happened to you, who's behind it, and mist important how to fix it.

1. Characters must be older than 16
2. Please no 18+ content
3. All wolvden rules apply
4. Keep swearing to a minimum
5. Enjoy yourself
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-03-20 07:57:27
Coilean Murphy
He woke up and smiled. He leaned over to kiss his fiancee. "Good morning love" he murmured into her ear. Her eyes fluttered open. She looked at him and screamed. "GET OUT OF MY HOUSE!"
He quickly climbed out of bed confused "but honey!.." she grabbed her thermos water bottle from her night stand holding it up like a weapon
"dont call me that! Get out!"
He grabbed a pair of cloths quickly pulling them on. "I'm going, I'm going. Hold on" he grabbed a few things of his night stand shoving them in his pocket slowly backing out of the room. He grabbed his wallet just to be safe .
"Stop! Get out of my house!"
Coilean ran out the house confused. He goes up to his neighbors house, they hated him but they might be able to help. He knocked on the door fixing his bedhead.
"Oh hello! Do you need directions? Welcome to Hill View!"
He stared at them confused and backed away. He felt like he was losing his mind. He ran to the fire station. His buddy's Had to remember.
"Oh please nobody aloud in the fire house. If you have an emergency please call"
Coilean shook his head backing up.
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-03-20 14:26:34
Farren's eyes fluttered open, a methodical beeping echoing in her ears. Shock coursed through her as she realised how.... sterile the roof above her was. How cold. Imposing. Shifting her legs, she sat up and waited. What for? She wasn't too sure. Time passed, maybe a few hours. The door creaked open and the soft chattering of another woman filled the air. Suddenly realising there were others in the ward, she listened to the swishing of curtains getting closer. Wiping the sleep from her eyes, Farren waited. As the nurse pulled the curtain aside, moving in with a small cart, she turned around and gasped before clapping excitedly.

A few hours later, Farren was dressed in some of her old clothes, somehow managing to survive the while she'd been asleep. Dazed but willing to go along with whatever, she simply followed directions before she was allowed to move into her own room. Setting up some clothes, running her hands across her old tools and few more prized saddles she sighed and sat down on her bed, eyes turned to the window as she gazed outside.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-03-21 06:22:06
Adrian woke up and glanced at his wife.  She was waking up and  he smiled. "  Morning love , how'd you sleep? " She blinked and stared at him before screaming.  "WHO ARE YOU? GET OUT NOW! " He jumped and looked at her, smiling with a confused expression. " What do you mean lovely? " He asked gently. " Are you okay? " He added. "GET OUT BEFORE I CALL THE COPS! " SHe screamed. Adrian was confused and backed away, grabbing a pair of pants and shirts. " Mommy? " His little boy wandered down the hallway before crying when he bumps into Adrian. " Hey Brady, how's my boy? " He asked, picking him up. " HELP MOMMY! HELP! BAD GUY! "  He cried. Adrian bit his lip and ran out of the house, running down the street and into his work, dressing in the bathroom. One dressed he made his way to his office before being stopped by security. " I'm sorry this area is restricted, do you have a reservation? " Adrian glanced past him to see his office occupied by someone else. " Yes this is my office in my firm. Im Adrian Ivashkov. " The security officer glanced once at him and threw him over his shoulder. " Never heard of that name. " He grumbled, throwing Adrian out. Adrian stared in disbelief and made his way to a park. He sat on a bencha nd looked around. His wife kicking him out, his son forgetting him, and his business gone, not even remembering his name. What ever happened?


Posted 2022-03-26 17:03:40
Coilean Murphy
As he backed up the man shit the door confused and Coilean ran into a wolf as tall as his chest. His eyes got wide backing up. The wolf had gray and white coat and there was small little thunder bolts zipping threw its fur. The eyes were a golden yellow. oh at lasting have found you. You were not in your house when I came I was worried Coilean yelped in surprise. Did it just talk in his head? "oh sorry I could talk outloud I thought it would be easier for you inside your head. Apparently not. My name is Achilles.  Named after the greek hero of course." Coliean backed up "I dont know what upu are why your talking to me but please go away I need to fix my life!" Achilles nodded "yes that's why I'm here. The dark lord has risen and the 7 wonders have been awakened. You Coilean Murphy, are one of the 7 wonders. I will explain more once we are to a more secure place. Other humans cant see me but they can see you. "

Sorry I haven't replayed in a while :p
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-03-26 19:01:28
Adrian could,ve sworn it got hotter and he looked around for it's source. He was met face to face with a rippling firey bird. Jumping, he rubbed his eyes and blinked. Hello Adrian. Adrian stared up, sure he was dreaming. "What's happening?" He said. A person walking by glanced at him, confused but kept going. You have bern awakened. He was sure the firey bird was speaking now, but how come the passerby's didn't see it? I am Azar, your guide throughout the coming journey. Adrian gaped and mumbled. "Awakened? What journey?" He asked. Azar blinked. You will know when you meet the other's, for now all you need to now is that we're leaving. "Whoa whoa, there's other's? " Azar simply nodded and turned away. Keep up Adrian.


Posted 2022-03-26 19:32:38
"Why would I go with you?" He asked watching the wolf. "I can help fix your life" Coliean liked the sound of that.  He stood and fallowed the wolf into the woods. "Where are we going?" And wolf looked at him golden eyes shining somewhere safe for you. For now I will tell you of are past.
Long ago the dark lord wrecked havoc on the defenseless humans. We realized if we didn't do something fast the mortals would die. So 7 spiritual guides were chosen to find worthy humans and gift them with powers.  The mortals named them the 7 wonders.  But with that great power we soon realized with other mortals knowing the Wobders it made it harder for them to do there job. So we made sure that the mortals forgot the Wonders until they defeated the dark lord. Then everything will be set right. You are a long descendent of one of the wonders.
Coilean rubbed his temples "so your telling me I've been forgotten by everyone. And I have sone powers because a dark lord gas risen to kill humans?" Achilles nodded exactly
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-03-26 19:40:30
Adrian rushed after Azar. He led him into the woods were he stopped flying for a second. Achilles is near... He cawed once and countinued, Adrian rushing over fallen trees


Posted 2022-03-26 20:00:15
Achilles lead him to a river wait here. Azar is coming "wait who?" Achilles stepped over the river and onto a rock looking around
Lost Howl

Posted 2022-03-26 20:04:39 (edited)
Azar led Adrian to the river, cawing hello to Achilles. Adrian panted and crawled out of the bushes.


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