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The "Grounded" Challenge Clan

Posted 2020-10-19 13:20:02

Preferred Nickname: Sen

Foundation Pair: Ceto & Pendragon

Pack Name: Wraithmarrow

Challenge Level: Basic

Optional Rules: 2


Breeding Partners: Grumpy / #11934


Posted 2020-10-19 13:23:11

Hello and welcome to the clan Sen! I really like your wolves' names, is there a theme to them?


Posted 2020-10-19 13:32:10

Thankyou! :> I went with a god/mythology theme for my leads. Ceto is a primordial sea goddess, mother of sea serpents and I believe Pendragon means dragon's head in Celtic.


Posted 2020-10-19 17:21:18

Preferred Nickname: Aquarius or Blaze

Foundation Pair: Milk and Kaia (but also kinda Vinegar?)

Pack Name: Argenti

Challenge Level: Basic (for now)

Optional Rules: N/A

NIB / LIB / IB / OCR: NIB, with some OCR if I like the wolf

ALSO! I don't have a traveler cave ATM, I was thinking of using my unsorted.

ALSO ALSO! Just started today so almost everyone in my pack is first gen. Is that ok?

Wrenly [he/xe]

Posted 2020-10-19 22:35:46

Preferred Nickname: Akeliza / eliza / liza

Foundation Pair: Aytukiu & Stayiour

Pack Name: Sordaris Pack

Challenge Level: basic

Optional Rules: 1, 2, 3

NIB / LIB / IB / OCR: NIB & maybe OCR

Breeding Partners: none yet/will be open later

i just joined today, so not all of my wolves have proper lore/names yet.

(INACTIVE) akeliza 🌸

Posted 2020-10-20 02:14:05

Blaze and Akeliza welcome! Shapes will put up your details in the main post shortly. :)

@Blaze, all of your wolves being first gen is completely fine. Most of us had completely first gen packs when we made/joined this group too haha

A warning about unsorted; any wolves that get sick in unsorted can pass the illness upon rollover on to any other wolf in your pack, unlike caves where it stays in that cave. You'll start to get illnesses in 5 days so make sure you have a second cave by then. :)


Posted 2020-10-21 06:28:49

Preferred Nickname: Honey

Foundation Pair: Terhi and Haran

Pack Name: Snowy Summit Pack

Challenge Level: Basic

Optional Rules: 1 & 2


Breeding Partners: None yet


Posted 2020-10-21 06:54:42

I have a few questions 1) as I really like the idea of the basic one and somethings from everywhere else in the rules I know you can mix in the optional but can a person also mix in aspects of others sort of in officially. 

2) is there a time limit to the sort of setup (add bios and sorts) or is it as you can while still keeping the game working.

Because I’d love to join 


Posted 2020-10-21 07:16:42


While I can't really answer either of your questions, as for the second one, I've just kinda been doing bios as I come up with them.

Wrenly [he/xe]

Posted 2020-10-21 08:09:32


Hello and welcome, Shapes will add you into the main post in a bit :)


Hi there! If you like you can join up in the basic challenge level and still use rules and ideas from the other levels as well. Another member has already picked some rules from the other sections as well ^^

And there's no time limit to making bios and lore, as long as you're active and you want to do them. If you need any help with it as well we'll be happy to give some insight.

We're currently finishing up the Discord, we'll send invites through PMs when it's ready!


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