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Missing Wolves & Rewards! (Operation Wild Wolf)

Missing Wolves & Rewards! (Operation Wild Wolf)
Posted 2022-03-27 09:47:20 (edited)
Main PostLost & RewardsLost & Found

Realistic Wolf Breeding Project Thread
(That thread is a bit of a mess, lol.)

Operation Wild Wolf
This is Phase 3 and part of an Ongoing Breeding Project of mine, the goal is to get these back as 1st Generation Wolves. Without a doubt this is going to be the most painful part of my mission. I have already used up much time and resources to get them to look as I wanted, fairly naturalistic. Months of work! So I would be very grateful if any of you were to help me get my polished gems back.

Note: I have not yet chased away any wolves that are part of this project. I'm making this thread for preparation and to maybe spread the word beforehand. I still need to apply a bunch of apps (trying to raise 167 GC for funds) to the Phase 2 Wolves then wait for them to age up; then start breeding them to make the Phase 3 Wolves I will be chasing.


Posted 2022-03-27 09:47:33 (edited)
Main PostLost & RewardsLost & Found

Realistic Wolf Breeding Project Thread

Lost & Rewards
I'm always looking for all of the wolves in the Lost & Found List. And I am rewarding those who can reunite me with them.

I'm hoping to amass a ton of prizes before I have to chase anyone. We'll see how that goes. It will probably end up being just about anything on Wolvden including Art Commissions.


Posted 2022-03-27 09:47:42 (edited)
Main PostLost & RewardsLost & Found

Realistic Wolf Breeding Project Thread

Lost & Found
Records of the wolves I've chased and if they are ever reported to be found. I suspect I'd find most of them via the search if anyone has claimed them.
Even if they are claimed by someone, and that person wishes to keep them, the wolf will still remain on the list for record purposes. If and when I am reunited with a wolf, they may be removed from the list to make space in the thread.

1M's Wardrobe LinkFoundFound Wolf's Page
[Chased on March 22, 2022]
1F's Wardrobe LinkNot Found • Found Wolf's Page
[Chased on March 22, 2022]


Posted 2022-03-27 09:47:50


Posted 2022-03-27 09:48:04


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