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Private RP with Birbz and BlizzardOfDeath

Private RP with Birbz and BlizzardOfDeath
Posted 2022-03-29 07:28:43 (edited)
Dragons, dragons in peace! One helps another, the big reaches for the small to help!

The life in harmony pleased every single creature, until..

A large stone, shades of red, gray and brown, menacing flame, fading hopes, the disaster that interrupted all of the happiness.

-@:β‚½&!? wakes up. Where's everybody? Just skeletal remains, burnt ground which will never be covered with lush green grass again.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-29 08:46:34 (edited)
Birbz's Characters


A water dragon, who can stay in water up to 10 hours.
After this time passes, she just lets her nose out to breath and goes back in the ocean dwelling. Preferring to be alone, she went separate from the clans and lived as a loner.


An egoistic female dragon, trying to cause fight everywhere. Basically, her spirit is the reason why dragon separated on clans instead of living one with another in friendship.


A caring and silly male dragon with black and white, all shades of gray on his body. His thick and unbelievably sharp spikes protect him from any kind of threat, glowy crystal-like drops full of deadly venom resting on the spikes.


An extremely aggressive Pygmy dragon female with fire resistance, able to swim in lava with no problems. Her natural weapons are just flame breath. Pyria has wings, but they're barely used and disguise a lot.


AΒ  plant dragon who lives in absolute peace, but defends herself and fights nicely. Can change colors like a chameleon. If Physis steps on a chunk of empty ground, it will instantly grow with grass or any plants on her will. Her wings in flight don't need to be moved a lot, and she glided most of the time.


A wary female dragonet shapeshifter, able to shape shift in these kinds of birds:
Seagull, Swift, Lovebird, Eagle.
Despite that ability, Ornis prefers to mainly stay in her actual dragon form. Her white, clear crystals aren't just an accessory - they'reΒ  mainly her protection - when dropped, they melt onto aΒ  liquid which instantly hardens and often succeeds to trap the enemy in the crystal-like rigidness. Ornis can imitate birdsongs, although she can't understand what the birds respond.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-29 09:39:48 (edited)
BlizzardOfDeath's Characters:
A fierce female Pygmy dragon who has gills. Has different shades of blue all over her. Also has wings but prefers not to use them. Asocial and extremely territorial. Lives in a small cave in the banks of a river. Can take on opponents many times her size. A loner.

A deep turquoise female dragon who lives high in the mountains. Doesn't have any abilities besides her large size and fearsome natural weapons. Mostly friendly but can become aggressive quickly. Extremely hard scales all over. A loner.

A dark green female dragon who lives in a dense forest. Has a potent poison that kills anything below the size of a deer and painfully paralyzes anything larger, for varying amounts of time depending on size. Sticks out like a sore thumb anywhere but her home biome due to her vibrant green coloring. Prefers to be alone and is well adapted to living in the treetops, with a smaller size and smaller wings. Claws and teeth are more for catching things well below her weight class, like foxes and raccoons. Has a prehensile tail for better navigation through the trees. Wields sharp spikes on her tail that have the same potent poison inside.

A powerful ice dragon who lives in the Arctic. She is able to create hardened ice, forming anything she wants. She does not need access to water or ice to do this. Tempest also has extremely thick scales which are used as insulation as well as defense. These scales are pale blue, and fade to white at her extremities. She prefers being alone, but can have friends.

She is an large all-white dragon who has spikes running all the way down her back and tail that get a blinding glow when she uses her electricity. Her electricity has the power of a lightning bolt, but if allowed time to charge, can get much, much stronger. She has an ability to change anything that hits her scales into charge for her electricity. This greatly reduces the power of the attack.Β  The electricity inside her negates any venom or poisoning. She lives in an extremely secluded mountain valley, closed in from all sides. She never leaves it.

Avis is a female dragonet who has bird wings and black feathers covering part of her also black body. Lila many birds, there is a hint of iridescence beneath the dark color. She lives in a cliff side close to the sea, where she has a nest. She has the ability to transform into a fierce black falcon, the size of a small swan. She is very suspicious of any dragons who come near her and is friends with all the seagulls and other sea-faring bird who live near her. She can also communicate with all birds.

Posted 2022-03-29 10:05:17
Harrow quietly lifts his head at the sight of the moon. It's rays gather on his spikes, making him shake and stand. Feeling dominant, the male ascends into the air letting out no single noise. As he raises as high as possible, he roars into the night sky fiercely. Observing the happening below, he curls his dark wings around his body and dives down, into the unknown grounds.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-29 10:06:34 (edited)
Tsunami swam through the water gracefully. Her sharp talons extended as she caught an unfortunate fish. It would be a good meal. She returned to her small cave in the banks, eating it as if she had survived a famine. Blizzard awoke in the mountains, at least there were no pesky humans to bother her anymore, but there was a lot less food around. She walked out into the snowy peaks, but she seemed to be the only animal there. Perhaps there was food lower down, Blizzard reasoned as she spread her enormous wings to scout the land below. Blizzard spotted another dragon and followed him.

Posted 2022-03-29 10:11:49
Whirlpool also senses the night time, swims out and confidently flies into the air. Her wet wings splashed water everywhere around, as the female breathes shallowly, enjoying the breeze after a long hold. A bit of the joy, and Whirlpool flies off in hopes of critter prey.

Harrow sees the female and tries to chase her in hopes of befriending, but Whirlpool growls and, interrupted, dives back into the lake dwelling.

Harrow sighs and sits in the middle of a grassy meadow, alone. Guess, loneliness was his fate..

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-29 10:16:28
Blizzard landed next to Harrow. "Um, hello." She said in a friendly manner, she hadn't seen another dragon in so long! Even though she was talking to him, she couldn't help but glance around for prey as she hadn't eaten in quite some time.
Tsunami licked her lips after the delicious meal, she ate a surprising amount for her tiny size. Her head cocked up as she heard a splash downriver. Curious, she followed the current to the lake, spotting a dragon and hiding in the banks to watch.

Posted 2022-03-29 10:27:30
Harrow happily turns to Blizzard, about to let out an excited, friendly scream at her, but stops himself from doing that and just calmly rawrs.
His tail still wagged.

Whirlpool senses the presence of another predator and dives deeper, leaving bubbles on the water surface. After getting deep in, she grabs a random fish and heads into her cave, using her light tail to direct herself here.

🦜 Birbz 🦜

Posted 2022-03-29 10:30:44
A flow of rage comes to Tsunami, who was this dragon?! What was it doing here?! A small, frankly cute growl emerges from her throat as she pushes through the water at lightning speed, following closely behind Whirlpool.
Blizzard smiled, "My name's Blizzard, what's yours? Oh, and another question, is there any food around here? I can;t seem to find any in the mountains." She sniffed the air for any traces of prey, where had those mountain goats run off to?

Posted 2022-03-29 10:34:36 (edited)
Harrow nervously shuffles his paws. He has never openly talked to another dragon before.
"I am.. Hrawr! I mean.. Harrow!"
He smiles back, but more of awkwardly than friendly.

Whirlpool didn't become calm diving in the familiar lake lands, she still felt the presence of a stranger. She moves her tail more intensely to make foam and cover herself, the crystals on her horns ringing and shining, despite being in water.

(I'm waiting for the right moment to let in Shade hehe)

🦜 Birbz 🦜

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