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Lead/Breeding wolf retirement+ replacement questions

Lead/Breeding wolf retirement+ replacement questions
Posted 2020-10-22 20:31:03 (edited)

Hi there I was hoping for some help from those who've retired early a lead breeding male wolf.

I just have a few questions:

  1. When viewing retiring lead breeding wolf early it warns"Please note, you recently set this breeding male, and are on a cooldown for X rollovers before you can set a new one. If after retiring this breeding male you wish to set another before the cooldown there will be an additional cost of  25 GC." Does that mean retiring breeding male early is 25GC, then and additional 25GC for setting another breeding male up?
  2. Are there any restrictions or consequences for choosing a new breeding male lead wolf that is a puppy or adol?
  3. Can you Scout or hunt with a male wolf before setting as lead breeding wolf? Or is it not allowed to set one that has done other roles?
  4. If you can set a former scout/hunter as a male breeding lead wolf does its stats or levels reset when assigning new lead position?

Thanks guys!


Posted 2020-10-23 00:32:33 (edited)

I will try to answer some of your questions

1.Yes, if you retire your breeding male before the cooldown ends, you will have to pay for both the retirement and the cooldown skip. Iirc, it's 20 GC for the retirement plus 25 GC for the cooldown. You can see how much longer is the cooldown for your breeding male in your cooldown page (click on your name o  the top of the page). Not sure about how much it is if your breeding male is also your lead. Might be more expensive

2. Not 100% sure about this but I think pups/adols are aged up to 1 yo if you choose them as your lead, since you can't have a pup or adol explore. And I think you can only choose a breeding male that is 1yo or older.

3. I'm pretty sure you can choose any wolf you want, even if they had a role. We had some bug relating to this during testing (new lead keeping their old role) so it was indeed allowed.

4. This I'm not sure. Iirc, your level is set back to 1 but I don't know about stats. I don't think I can give you a precise answer on this one

Hope I was of help!


Posted 2020-10-23 02:36:24

I have the same info on question 2, breeding males don't age up for their role.

Yes, breeding male can have been a scout for 2 wolvden years before you select him as your stud.

As for both lead and stud wolves, I've heard levels stay as they when they chosen. So a leve 10 wolf will remain a level 10 stud. Less certain  about the lead wolf though.

Sienna Snow

Posted 2020-10-23 05:35:42

Thanks Piffle and Sienna! So I gotta wait til 1yr if I want leaf wolf to be breeding as well.

That's interesting bit to know for levels, so I guess if you want to speed to LVL 15 do that... But idk if this is true but it seems like my lead wolf gets more stats from leveling, but I don't know if I'm only thinking about bonus stats it can gain or if it's actually true.

Because if the leveling is better as lead and you want stats it's a bad ifea


Posted 2020-10-23 05:40:06

Oh I just had a thought though this feels unlikely, if you chose a lead wolf and it ages it up, couldn't you set it to lead first then after it ages set it to be breeding male too?


Posted 2020-10-23 05:59:07

Yes, you can assign your male the role of lead and breeding male at different times.

Sienna Snow

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