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Groups: Allow Removing from Hoards in Stacks (Select Multiple)

Groups: Allow Removing from Hoards in Stacks (Select Multiple)
Posted 2022-04-14 22:44:12 (edited)
as the title says, i think people with permission to take more than one item at at a time from a group hoard should be able to select multiple items/stacks to withdraw from the hoard.

my case being for my group howlism where people can donate items for crafting. the issue with this is, you have to individually click on each item to take them out of the hoard (with the addition of a confirmation message).

most crafting recipes require a minimum of 10 items, and having to go through and click individual items AND confirm is a lot to do to just make one item from the generous donations. some recipes have up to 30 items required, and my poor hand certainly wouldnt like me after that.

as for cons i dont believe there are any asside from the coding it will require to implement, which would have to account for the limits the roles have in your group. a temporary work around or solution to this that i can come up with is letting owners and others with the permission of taking unlimited from the hoard to have this option to take multiple/in stacks.

otherwise,, anybody have other ideas?

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-04-14 23:20:23 (edited)
Forewarning that I don't use groups or plan to so I'm not too familiar with them but from what I understand, it looks like this limit is set to ensure you don't have one person who swoops in and takes everything themselves, right? I can see what the developers were going for.

I can also see why it's a drag for some people considering how long some recipes can be so I definitely support this suggestion, it seems like an unintended oversight.

As for possible solutions:
a) a dropdown menu where the group's creator/leader can decide the item limit:
Two itemsThree itemsFive itemsTen itemsUnlimitedb) the ability to assign roles that can take more than a set number of items or
c) the ability to remove this rule alltogether and just go by an honour system
(Basically, the group's creator saying 'please take only what you need' to the group.)

Still support this now that I was corrected.


Posted 2022-04-14 23:52:05
some clarification cause i realize maybe i was bad at explaining my idea: im not contesting the limit, im contesting how you take items from the hoard.

even with my unlimited parameters, i have to click the items, one by one, with the additional confirmation which is reaaally time consuming. id like something like the checkbox in the bottom right corner of items as seen in our own hoards with a button like the "throw out selected/bury selected" ("take selected"?)

what you mention is already a feature, you can set a custom number amount or "unlimited" depending on the role in your group settings! groups have a default of 4 roles (owner, administrator, moderator, member) and you can add more!

sorry if my suggestion was initially confusing!! D: or if i misunderstood what you said here its quite late (i seriously need to go to bed)

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-04-14 23:55:34
Oh, that's entirely on me for misunderstanding you! Thanks for clarifying. :D
It didn't even occur to me that they'd let you take multiple items but still ask for individual clarification, yeah. That's... kind of awkward and pointedly unnecessary.

Still support the suggestion for this not to be a thing just with more understanding now, there's no need to confirm every single item if you can already take multiple out at once.

Maybe it could be handled with a checkbox like the inventory is? You mark off, say, six items that you want to take out at once, and then get asked for confirmation once for six items, instead of six different times - once for each of them.


Posted 2022-04-15 00:01:33
its cool!!

yeah! the checkbox idea is exactly what i had in mind, it would be way more convenient.. just the confirmation once after selecting boxes would save me a lot of. clicking and going back and forth lol. i was honestly surprised to see that even with unlimited permission, you cant select multiple at once.

though this all is very new, and i really love all the stuff we got so far

[Slow] ☘️ Kaziah (Kaz)

Posted 2022-04-15 00:12:38

It's like that with every new feature I think, and it's not isolated to wolvden lol. The devs do their best and players, inevitably, on every game, find ten other adjustments that no one thought would be needed or wanted. Sometimes it takes a line of code to solve, sometimes it takes much more.

Either way, I'll stop responding now so I don't spam the thread as I don't want to get it deleted on accident. Thank you for clarifying and correcting me!


Posted 2022-05-23 14:51:07
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Posted 2022-11-20 05:31:36
Goodness yes please! It is such a chore to pull out so many items 😩


Posted 2023-07-29 12:16:05
huge support. I'd hoped we'd have improved group functionality by now, but it doesn't seem like it's been a priority for devs. it's a pain to manually remove hundreds of large branches to use in crafting, or herbs to exchange and make medicines with.


Posted 2025-02-01 09:41:44
Agree completely, when taking items out of the hoard to craft and then return the crafted items, it's annoying to press the button again and again and again. Another option would be that removing multiple items at once is a permission, that way if someone is worried about it, they can restrict who can remove multiple items at once separately from limits of how many items per day can be taken.
Auri (fae/fear, she/her)

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