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Stud Request Notification/Alert Reminder

Stud Request Notification/Alert Reminder
Posted 2022-04-17 06:18:50
I noticed a problem as my Stud is a Scout. Often I get a Stud Request notification when he is out (usually just as I sent him out too) which is at least 1.5 hour Scout time, plus time to recover energy. My problem is once I click the message the notification in messages disappears and often as soon as I get the game alert that he has full energy I tend to click it automatedly to resend him out having forgotten about the request.

My solution is a Stud Request Notification/Alert Reminder to have in the top bar like the Messages notification. Say a little Heart icon with a number in it for however many stud requests you have pending that won't go away until either the request is accepted or rejected so neither party is left hanging or stressed about missed requested.


Posted 2022-04-30 21:41:35
I was actually just thinking about this problem earlier - while I don't have that issue anymore personally (my Stud is thankfully not a Scout anymore), it'd be super-nice to have someplace to show Incoming Stud Requests as a reminder...just in-case.

My suggestion is maybe put the Stud Request reminder notices on the Den Page? Alongside where the Puppy Risk and Neglected Wolves notices are? (And maybe include an area for a "toggle" much like the Puppy Risk notices, if people like the idea of that choice being there.)

I could see it possibly as also being easily missed by some...but I'm just throwing the idea out there as an alternative since it could (maybe?) be less work overall to implement like that than an extra Notification on the bar (though I like that idea, too!).


Posted 2022-05-03 22:07:57

I forget things in record time, let alone over an hour and a half of waiting for scouting to finish and energy to replenish. It would be really convenient if that little heart icon was there to remind you, and clicking it brought you straight to the stud requests page.

Though I would like to say that there is a way you can wrap-around do this. Often when I get a stud request, I'll click the banner to bring me to notifications and just not click on the notification itself. That'll clear the banner, but leave the little red alert beside Messages. It's not the most ideal since sometimes it makes me think I have an actual message, but it has saved me from a lot of anxiety about forgetting someone's request.

I would still like this change though. ^^

Whirligig (Hiatus)

Posted 2022-05-10 16:24:55
total support! stuff like that is so easy for my to forget with my horrible little ADHD gremlin brain and it would be amazing to have a reminder!


Posted 2022-05-10 20:09:14
Hey there!  This has already been suggested on this topic, so we'll be locking yours as a duplicate.  Please be sure to use the Search feature before posting a suggestion in the future to avoid duplicate topics!

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