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Obsc's Writing Commissions

Obsc's Writing Commissions
Posted 2020-09-25 06:42:17 (edited)

Obscurity's Writing CommissionsTo view a more 'compacted' version, click here.

in honour of the public release, all new packs will
receive 50% off prices! c:


Will Do's:
- Original fiction
- One shots
- Short stories
- Backstories
- Lore
- World building
- Fanfics


Won't Do's:
- Anything discriminatory
- Pedophilia
- Incest
- Anything NSFW
DM me for things not on the list


Writing Style:
- Introspective
- Description heavy
- 1st or 3rd person
- AU's/Multi-genre


Basic Rules:
- The commission must be at least 300 words minimum.
- As of right now, I am not taking commissions over 5k words.
(These will likely be fiction/oneshot commissions that this applies to.)
- You can commission me more than once (e.g. commission a few
4k-5k word short stories, but you may only have one slot at a time.)
- Please review my ToS here if you want to commission me.
- If I go over the designated word count, you do not have to pay extra.
Knowing the way I work and write, I will likely go over by a couple hundred
words, especially if I'm invested in it.


- ~$0.75 every 100 words
- $2.24 for base 300 words
- 250 SC for base 300 words
- $3.75 for 500 words
- 400 SC for 500 words
- $7.50 for 1k words
- 900 SC for 1k words
- DM me for the rest of the prices.
- With the current market, 1 GC = 100 SC


Preferred Method of Payment:
- GC
- SC
- Applicators, Grove items, Healing Salves (depends, please DM me.)


Commission Form:
Google Form


Methods of Contact:
- My compiled links here
- Discord (blanks20#9144)
- DeviantArt
- Twitter (DMs, please)


If you're to contact me on Discord, please PM me here first
what your tag is so I can accept the friend request.

Any further questions can be DM'ed to me! Additionally,
please PM me for examples if you don't want to look
through my Wattpad c:

Last updated: October 19th, 5:45 Game Time


Posted 2020-09-25 11:07:13 (edited)


Slot One [ Closed ]
Slot Two [ Open ]
Slot Three [ Open ]


Last updated: October 23rd, 5:55 am Game Time


Posted 2020-10-23 03:11:39

Heya!! I'm very interested in commissioning you for writing my pack's lore / backstory!! May I pm you for examples and for the details? :D


Posted 2020-10-23 03:15:38

Sure thing! ^^


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