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🌟 Mythnic's Raffles 🤍

🌟 Mythnic's Raffles 🤍
Posted 2022-05-05 07:50:24 (edited)
Quick intro:
I'm a RnC Breeder! Lately I've been into making Raffles for puppies that I feel shouldn't be Enclaved and aren't too special to RnC but am skeptical of letting rot on the Trading Post. So I figured I'd put them into various different Raffles so the denizens of Wolvden can have a fair (and fun!) crack at getting cheap and cute puppies! My Raffles typically take Feathers of many types, so everyone should be able to afford some tickets (if they want!).

Why Feathers?
Toys, Nesting, neat BGs, and even Decor...Feathers are used for a lot of useful things! And just about any player can easily find a few if they explore a bit!

It might not always be Feathers sometimes, but that's currently what I'm going for! (Open to suggestions if you'd like to see an item available for entry in a future Raffle!)

I plan to update this topic as often as I find something to put a Raffle up for.

Current Raffles

(Updated: June 3, 2022)

[CB1] COLORBOMB Mela Carrier for Feathers!

[CB2] COLORBOMB Mela Carrier for Feathers!

[CB3] COLORBOMB Mela Carrier for Feathers!

[CB4] COLORBOMB Mela Carrier for Feathers!

[CB5] Sorta-Colorbomb Mela Carrier for Feathers!


Posted 2022-05-05 07:51:06 (edited)
A list of previous Raffles verifying my track record!

Previous Raffles

(Updated: June 3, 2022)

[Flash Raffle] Albino Carrier for Feathers*!

1 Female Alb Carrier and 1 Mel Carrier for toys!

[WTA] 1 Albino & 1 Albino Carrier! Feather entry!

[FLASH] Tombac for Feathers!

[ RAF1] Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[ RAF2] Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[ RAF3] COLORBOMB Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[ RAF4] Female Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[RAF5] Male Albino for Feathers!

[T3] Tiny-Winged Mojave pup for Feathers!

[RAF1] Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[RAF2] Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[RAF3] Albino Carrier for Feathers!

[RAF4] Melanism Carrier for Feathers!

[T3] Serpentine w/ Wings for Feathers!

[T3] Piasa w/ 6M for Feathers!


Posted 2022-05-05 07:51:14 (edited)

Raffle Changelog:

(Updated: May 12, 2022)

May 9th, 2022:
  • Noticed a minor mistype in recent Raffles [RAF1] - [RAF5]. While the end says "Unlimited participants", it instead is meant to say "No limit on participants" to better make sense of the Raffle's intent. Although this does not technically change anything in the Raffles, this clarity will be stated better going forward (starting in the Tombac Raffle).

  • Although the intent for allowing ANY amount of people to enter was clear, I don't think the "you could still win even if you're the only participant!" portion of the Raffle was too clear with the old wording.

May 12th, 2022:
  • Adjusted the entry price of Condor Feather to be more in-line with the other Feathers (I had it marked down for much less ) - so now you should get more bang for your buck if you enter with a Condor Feather and should stay corrected going forward. Sorry folks!

  • Also added Volukros Feather entry as an option.


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