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RE: Playing with wolves

RE: Playing with wolves
Posted 2020-10-23 09:52:04

Hi all!!

This is my first post so bear with me!

I'm having problems with entertaining the wolves in my pack. I'm running out of amusement items soo quickly and I'm finding it really stressful each rollover

Is there a way to play/tussle/groom with your wolves like in Lioden? Or does anyone know if there will be a feature like it in future updates?? It'd make things so much easier 😭😭


Posted 2020-10-23 10:08:04 (edited)

The only way is using amusement items, as of now.

I don’t know if they’re gonna add the option to play/tussle/groom with them, but I’m assuming that since the game is officially released, I’m guessing it won’t be added. But probably only the devs know


Posted 2020-10-23 11:00:21 (edited)

If you are in need of amusement items, you can rescout the biomes you have already discovered and your scouts should bring back some extra toys.

Also, if you have rotting food, you can turn them into bones and use them to play with your wolves (go on the page of the rotting item and there should be a "Salvage" option that will turn them into bones) Bones will have half uses of the food you salvaged!


Posted 2020-10-23 11:13:32

Omg I had no idea!!!! Thank you so much, that's so helpful!!!!!!!


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