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color ranges for found wolves

color ranges for found wolves
Posted 2022-06-16 20:10:17
basically when you find a wolf at least for the game generated ones depending on the biome I think there should be a color range for them... khaki might be more prevalent in the swamp and rainforest biomes white around the glacier maybe reds in the desert

basically make it more reasonable... I mean black wolves would be universal but still it would be nice to have some idea of what you might be getting based on the area. all colors equally in the starter biomes though just to be fair to the newbies

Posted 2022-06-16 23:53:02
Hello! This has been previously suggested on this topic, so we will be locking yours as a duplicate. In the future, please be sure to use the Search feature and check the Suggestion Compilation Master Post before posting a suggestion to avoid duplicate topics!

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