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Deity X Mortal [MxM] - 1x1 w/ #64246 & #48699

Posted 2022-07-10 18:15:29
"Because- because. . I don't know! I don't know the way of humans and what they do, I don't know what or why you would leave me, I - I don't know! I don't know." He paused, not looking to Carlos, just taking a breath. "I'm just, I've just been feeling things and I don't know how to explain them. . I'm scared, Carlos. . . I'm just. . scared." He took a shaky breath, his wings slowly lowering.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-10 18:17:40
"Hey, listen to me ok? I won't leave you, and whatever your feeling is ok. You have reason to be scared alright?" He said trying to comfort him.


Posted 2022-07-10 18:56:10
Aixtr nodded, taking a moment before gently folding hs wings back together.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-10 18:58:09
Aixtr nodded, taking a moment before gently folding hs wings back together.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-10 19:01:12
Carlos  kept his hands on Aixtr's, "Tell me about the feelings..maybe I can explain them."


Posted 2022-07-10 19:29:11
He took a moment before shaking his head. ". . . not yet. I- I'm being dumb, but not now." He said, taking Carlos' hand and fumbling with it.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-11 07:01:59
Carlos frowned a little but nodded slowly, he let Aixtr fumble with his hands


Posted 2022-07-12 16:28:48
"Carlos, will they make you marry someone eventually?" He asked.

weyeire :)

Posted 2022-07-12 16:38:15
Carlos nodded slowly, " At some point.....I will have to marry someone."


Posted 2022-07-12 16:56:47
"Ah. . I wish I could help."

weyeire :)

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