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Moon's Cradle (IC)

Posted 2022-07-15 21:42:00
Angela woke up and went inside. She didn't have anyone to talk to so she decided to paint her walls again. She went back to her human form and found some paint of all colors.
Silent SparrowπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ•ŠπŸŽ„

Posted 2022-07-15 22:56:10
Emma followed Esmeray's example and started sorting the herbs into piles. Every once in a while she grab bed a piece of dried fruit out of the box and popped it into her mouth. When Ilia said she would make sure to keep some stocked, a grin broke out on her face. "That's so kind of you! These are delicious by the way." She continued to work, asking about the different herbs to learn about them as they did.

- - - - -

Kaizen had dipped his head at Shade's critique, and accepted his failure. There were some days where it couldn't be helped; organization fell apart, hunters or scouts ran late, puppies became injured. He would make up for it. Eleven made another comment to express frustration and Kaizen snorted before departing from the den.

His yellow eyes swept the clearing before settling on a pair of scouts who were chatting about the area they had explored that morning. The Beta then trotted over to them, planning to give them orders for their evening patrol. On his way, he spotted the group of hunters returning with plenty of prey. Shade would be pleased. Kaizen arrived at the scouts and began to chat with them.

Rane πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-07-16 07:13:21
Cosette growled in victory as he got off, jumping a bit. She saw that the alpha was waiting for Sola and stopped, "Hello, Alpha!" She said, cheerily before bounding off to mess with Kaizen.

On her way to see him, she spotted a butterfly and dropped into a crouch. She wiggled her hips slightly before jumping and catching the butterfly in her mouth. She squealed and ran over to Kaizen. "Kaizen, Kaizen, look at what I caught!!" She said, words muffled by the thing in her mouth.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-16 12:20:28
Eleven padded out of the den to see what was happening and sighed. "Anarchy demons," They muttered.

Posted 2022-07-16 17:05:30
Snowfox was wandering near the Omnia Vincit Amor border. She was going a pretty fast pace but a good pace that she could keep at for hours. She had her magpie on her head holding on for dear life.
Silent SparrowπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ•ŠπŸŽ„

Posted 2022-07-16 19:58:40
Sola paused, clearly not expecting that. His eyes dropped from Shade's face, thinking it over. Surely it wouldn't be that different from what he usually does? Nodding to himself the hunter looked up again. "If you do decide to promote me, I would absolutely accept!" He replied, tail swishing a little faster.

Shade's earlier words came back to him, Cosette sneaking out of camp. Hesitantly he tilted his head then finally asked, "But what does Cosette have to do with this? Why did you need to speak to me about her?"

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-16 20:26:30
The sound of his name caused him to turn away from the scouts and focus on Cosette. His ears flicked in surprise to see the butterfly twitching limply in the pup's mouth; his face remained expressionless. "A butterfly," he stated flatly. "Good job, Cosette." Briefly it crossed his mind that she survived for a reason. She was quick to catch the bug - it was a sign of a good mind and quick reflexes.

Rane πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-07-16 20:28:24
Shade stood again, staring Sola in the eyes. A show of authority in wolves; Shade liked doing it just make others fidget.
It was quiet for a long moment before speaking softly, "it's dangerous for pups outside of camp. Werewolves, humans. Just make sure she's safe. That's all you need to know."
With that, she trotted off, away from camp. It was almost past dusk now, the sun dipping low.
Kaizen will be fine tending the pack for a while. I need to check on my little project.
The last rays of the sun were fading now. Shade slowed her pace to a walk, approaching the mouth of an eerie cave. The air around the entrance felt cold, like a dying breath, and the jagged stones made the opening resemble hungry maw. It stepped slowly, trodding a familiar path through the claustrophobic darkness. Eventually, the walls became a little wider, and a light began to shine at the end. It opened into a lakeside entrance, low enough that it would be fully submerged in a high tide.
It sat there, waiting.
The moon soon rose past the horizon, shining into the cave. A faint glow cast on the walls, reflected in some spots. Small, intricate markings.
Shade turned, facing the walls, scratching away at them, murmuring. Faint whispers echoed through the cave, both her own and... not.

I promise I'm gonna get you back. I'll figure something out, I'm getting so close...
I'll see you again, I will.

tism troll {trollself}

Posted 2022-07-16 20:34:50
Cosette saw the sun dipping below the horizon and nodded to herself. She looked around, side-eyeing everyone in camp. She slipped into the nursery, knowing there was a way to sneak out of camp that way. She padded through the moss and other materials, making her way to the back of the cave. Cosette looked around, making sure no one was awake, before wiggling into a hole in the wall that led out of camp. She was slowly getting too big for it, so she would have to find a new way out soon. After a few minutes of wiggling, she popped out the other side, shaking herself before starting to walk.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-16 20:46:31
Snowfox stopped for the night, she let out a long low howl that lasted for a few minutes, her way of saying goodnight to the dead and lost souls of the world. As if to calm or make them feel better. She then hid under a fallen tree and tried to sleep.
Silent SparrowπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ•ŠπŸŽ„

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