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Moon's Cradle (IC)

Posted 2022-07-14 14:08:14
Esmeray stepped up the stairs to her house, seeing Emma knock on Ilia's door out of the corner of her eye but dismissing it. She unlocked the door and stepped inside, shutting and locking it behind her. She took a deep breath, unbraiding her hair and running her fingers through the lavender strands. Esmeray sat down at the desk in the far corner of the room and started working, eyes flying down names and affiliations, among other things. She knew she had said she doubted that wolf was a spy, but did she really. She could never really tell what was going through the other pack leader's mind, but could she trust this wolf? Or would it lead to disaster?

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-14 14:44:38
Emma grinned as Ilia opened the door and lifted her hand in an enthusiastic wave. At being called 'love', a dim flush of pink tinted her cheeks. It was one of Emma's favorite pet names. "Hi!" She replied cheerily. "Thank you," she added as the healer invited her inside.

After stepping into Ilia's home she observed patiently as the woman tidied things. Emma offered her another smile once she was addressed. "Ah, well I don't need anything per sΓ©. I hope I'm not interrupting anything I just had nothing else to do." Her shoulders came up ever so slightly in a tiny shrug. "That was an unusual encounter earlier, don't you think?"

Rane πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-07-14 14:54:33
"No, of course not! You'd never be interrupting." Ilia added, thinking over the encounter. "It was... odd. That was a new herbalist. Or maybe an apprentice? Much more nervous than the last one."

She picked up the small book again and set it on the table, gesturing for Emma to sit. "Do you want anything to drink? Tea, water?" Ilia offered, moving over to grab a mug and a glass, depending on which one Emma chose. "I've met that pack's herbalist a few times. There's a few spots where specific herbs grow, closer to that homestead instead of being in a pack's territory so we would sometimes meet to go collect things there. Uneasy truce but it was better than one wolf going alone and potentially getting hurt if they were spotted. Having two meant one could keep watch while the other collected. And they were more at ease, the first time I found them in our territory they were more at ease of themselves then. Of course, could just be an attitude thing but they weren't as worried about having other werewolves around, not in such a.... violent way as this one."

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-14 15:12:21
Esme stood up, too anxious to sit still anymore, and slipped out of her house. She stepped quietly up the front steps and knocked on Ilia's door,Β  she was embarrassed that she couldn't stay alone for longer but she'd rather be embarrassed at this point than be alone. She clasped her hands behind her back and waited for the other werewolf to answer the door.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-14 15:13:10 (edited)
"Hmm, yeah." Emma hummed thoughtfully before realizing Ilia had referred to 'the last one'. "Wait tou met the previous herbalist?" Man. No one ever told her anything around here!

The girl skipped over to the chair eagerly and sat down, crossing one leg over the other. "Ooh, I would love one of your herbal teas! They always smell soo good." Emma replied, resting her chin on the heel of her palm.

She focused on Ilia as the girl spoke, nodding at what she had to say. "Oh I see. Wonder why we don't just... have two herbalists then? Or at least someone to accompany you instead of you going by yourself."

Just then there was a knock and Emma turned her head toward the door in curiosity

Rane πŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆ

Posted 2022-07-14 15:19:25
Ilia nodded, "I did! I don't think I even told Esmeray... it was only a few times." At Emma's compliment she grinned and set the pot of water to boil, picking up some of the small sachets she had set aside. "I've wondered a few times about asking but usually we don't need the herbs that grow further that way. I think someone was sick and I was worried it'd develop into something more so I decided to find the stronger herbs... and went back a few times, making sure I had enough to store and dry..." She trailed off, increasing the heat of the stove. As another knock sounded Ilia tilted her head slightly. "Seems to be busy today."

She moved over to the door and opened it again. That hook never works, she thought with a small frown but it was quickly cleared away with Esmeray on the other side. "Hello! Come on in, Emma and I were just chatting about the wolf from earlier. Do you want tea or anything?"

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-14 15:32:04
Esmeray was frowning slightly to herself, lost in thought as the door opened. The frown was immediately replaced by a smile as she was met by Ilia. "Hi! Uh, I just..." She paused, not knowing how to tell Ilia that she didnt want to be alone. She didnt have to though, as Ilia invited her inside. "I would love some tea." Esme answered, stepping inside. "Do you have any that helps soothe nerves?"

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-14 15:45:59
"I'm sure I do somewhere. Go sit down, love, I'll finish everyones tea and then we can chat some more." Ilia reached out to grab a thick book and propped the door open incase anyone else came visiting.

She moved over to the pot that was beginning to boil and reached over for her box of teas. Hmm. Swelling, sleep, soothing... soothing, there we go. Grabbing another mug, she put the small sachet in and carefully filled both with boiling water. She brought both over, setting them on the table alongside a small bowl of sugar and 2 teaspoons. "There we go. Let me know what you think of that one Emma, been trying a new tea. It'll be slightly bitter, I used arnica instead of dandelion, but it'll be good for aches, swelling, bruises. That kinda thing!"

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-14 16:07:17
Esme smiled again and sat down at the table with Emma to wait for the water to finish boiling.

When the water was done, and Ilia had given both her and Emma their respecive teas, Esmeray took a sip and felt herself immediately relax. She made a humming sound, the tea warming her from the inside-out. "Thank you, Ilia. I appreciate it." She wiggled in her chair, getting comfortable before sipping the tea again.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-14 16:47:42
Angela had finally gotten close enough to the doe. She pounced for the throat and ended it quickly in a few swift motions.
Silent SparrowπŸ³οΈβ€πŸŒˆπŸ•ŠπŸŽ„

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