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Vie Antérieure [IC]

Posted 2022-07-20 10:54:25 (edited)
[ Valentine ]

His eyes met another's, intentionally or unintentionally it caused a sudden dizzy spell for him. He had to stop in his tracks to make sure he didn't stumble over like a drunkard. The husky with him was surprised by the sudden stop and looked back to his temporary owner, gently woofing at him as if to ask him what happened.
"Shhh… no barking." He softly said once the dizziness had passed. He didn't know anything about his past life or how many he had, he chalked the symptom up to a lack of iron in his diet.
He refocused his eyes to look at his neighbours knowingly this time, offering a friendly smile and wave as if nothing had happened.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 10:59:31
◇ Finch ◇

Finch shook his head slightly, knowing by the way the other man had stopped that he felt it too. "Avi... wait here." He said, not looking away from the only other person in the lot. He started walking forwards as if of his bodys own accord. He reached the man, "Hi, you must be the new neighbor." He said, a small smile the only indication that he was being friendly.

He stuck his hand out, "My name's Finch, what's yours?" He asked, tilting his head ever so slightly, his mismatched eyes strained on the other's.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 11:14:07
[ Valentine ]

"Yes, I'm Valentine." He gladly took Finch's hand, giving it a gentle shake. It was nice meeting new people, even if some weren't as friendly as others he'd still meet them with kindness.
The husky looked between the two humans, fluffy tail wagging at just being in the presence of other people. "And this beautiful creature is Chester, I'm taking care of him. Oh, are pets allowed here?" He grew a little nervous, worried he'd broken some kind of rule about owning pets in the complex that he wasn't initially aware of.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 11:21:27
◇ Finch ◇

"Nice to meet you, Valentine." He said, his smile growing a fraction. He looked down at the dog, getting down on his knees. "Oh, you're such a pretty dog, yes you are!" He baby-talked the dog, scratching it behind its ears and cooing at it.

He looked up at Valentine at that question, "Oh yeah! They are. The landlord's really chill about that stuff. I have three rats!" He answered, continuing to pet the dog absentmindedly.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 11:28:55
[ Valentine ]

He smiled at Finch's display of affection towards the pooch, finding it amusing. Good people liked animals and animals liked good people, at least he believed they had a sense of knowing. He wasn't aware that he was a prime example. The dog loved the attention it was given.

"Phew, that's good to know." He let out a small relieved sigh before speaking again. "Rats? People are often and unfortunately put off by them, they do make tender companions though." Valentine mused. Not many came through the shelter either because people didn't own rats in the first place or because their lifespans weren't as long as other animals. They could easily live a full life with one owner before winding up at an animal shelter.

Prince of Amethyst

Posted 2022-07-20 12:05:02
◇ Finch ◇

He chuckled at Valentines relief, nodding. "Yeah! I have an albino rat named Martha, a brown spotted one named Lilly and a black spotted one named Lamb." He said, rubbing the back of his neck and giving the husky one last scratch before standing up.

"I know, it's sad to be honest. So many rats need good homes but only a select few are willing to take them in." He sighed, "and I cant take all of them, unfortunately." He said, sounding sad.

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 14:55:44

Avi flipped him off, locking the car but following along, head turned slightly to the left so she could see exactly where she was walking. Distracted with well, focusing on where she was walking, she wasn't really turning or focusing on much else. When Finch stopped, they paused as well, frowning slightly. Now facing forward, the other person and dog? was blurry, right on the edge of their good eye and bad eye. Finch walked right up, talking about pets and cooing over the dog. Apartment or go see whoever Finch was speaking to? Nah, she'd risked the stairs alone once and that was more than enough for one day.

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 15:44:48
◇ Finch ◇

He turned around, looking at his friend. "Avi, come here!" He called over, beckoning them with his hand. He turned back to Valentine, continuing to coo over his dog. "You're so darling.. oh you're such a good doggy! Aren't you? Yes you are.."

Just a place filler until Ai gets back so you can join the convo Phrog))

𓆏 Angel 𓆏

Posted 2022-07-20 17:48:06

Avi did move forward, an ache between her eyes growing the longer she watched the newcomer. Eventually she looked down at the dog, smiling slightly, and the pressure lessened. She didn't want to bend down and pat it, just incase she was jumped on. The pressure.... it was like meeting Finch for the first time. Looking back towards the newcomer, Avi gave a little wave, really just a small wiggle of her fingers. "Avi. I'm his roommate and only friend."

𓆏 phrog 𓆏⁠

Posted 2022-07-20 21:02:53
[ Valentine ]

He didn't offer his hand out to Avi, getting the hint that she'd rather stay in her own personal space. "Nice to meet you." He beamed with almost unconditional joy. He was generally a cheerful person, not considering his hardships as hardships and rather things that just happened in his life. "Only friend, your company must be a Godsend then." He complimented with a soft laugh.

This didn't quite feel like a first meeting, something was different. Like when you smelt a familiar scent but couldn't pinpoint where it was coming from or what it reminded you of.

Prince of Amethyst

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