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1x1 Rp w/ Zyo (CANCELLED)

Posted 2022-08-06 22:12:09
*Around two hours later, Aster had broken into three houses, and stolen a whole bunch of random shit. Mostly just shiny things, but she took a few odd things too. She was sitting on the sofa now, feeling bored yet again. She was thinking about Ariadne, Aria, and Astria. Aria wasn't able to take control of the body, and neither was Astria. Ariadne. . well, she could end all of them if she wanted to. She just. . doesn't? None of the others really know why, and no one can get through to her. Aster stood up and began pacing around the house, continuing along that train of thought. She ended up in the bathroom, seeing herself in the shattered pieces of the mirror.*
". . I've always hated the way we look. She tries too hard."
*She muttered, going through the cabinets to find the bottles of hair dye she'd hidden in here last time she was in control. Ah shit- She found them. She sighed, realising they weren't there. She groaned and glanced around, searching for something else to alter herself with. She suddenly reached down and grabbed one of the shards of glass, pressing it to her throat for a moment. She sighed, knowing that would only piss off the others more. She moved it down to her arm instead, and just let loose. It wasn't long before she was laughing hysterically, sitting in a small puddle of her own blood.*

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-06 22:28:51 (edited)
*A dark wave swept through Cress' body, like a vast ocean he tried drowning himself in but could never truly do so, depression was a dark, cold feeling, it was his only true friend, a friend that tries so often to kill, he was so sick of it, he pulled out his phone and with a deep sigh he looks through his contacts and teared up at Astrid's, and swiftly turned off his phone, got up and went to his vanity to let it charge, he sat down in the chair. The circus was loud as it always been, he heard laughter, fighting and screams of joy, a wave of emotions now took over and he was overwhelmed but mostly felt stupid for everything that happened recently, he knew deep down that he was fucked up and this hasn't even been his worst, he tries so hard to keep everything together but fails every time, he looked himself in the mirror and quickly looked away*


Posted 2022-08-06 22:31:30
Hey- I forgot I have something to do in the morning, so I think imma crash now. I'll respond tomorrow! Niiiiiight! ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-06 23:05:02
(Aye, me service has been actin up anyway)


Posted 2022-08-07 15:01:35
*Aster didn't bother cleaning herself up, and instead walked into the kitchen and washed off the knife she'd used on the men earlier. She was humming again, hardly noticing the blood practically pouring from her arms. She danced around the house for a while, breaking whatever she could find that Astrid hadn't locked up before she left. Around an hour or so later, she was passed out on the couch, knife still in hand. She'd gone at herself some more with it, and was slowly staining the sofa red. She hadn't meant to fall asleep, but blood loss was funny like that. Just because she didn't care didn't mean the body didn't.*

Ello~ How are ya? ))

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-07 15:17:28

*Cress cried a bit more, then composed himself, Cress hopes Astrid will be fine, Aster just seems to not care much about the others…, he looked over at his phone, and with a deep breath he grabbed it, It won't make a difference though, why would it?, his mind was clutter until he decided to just act without thinking but even then he felt nervous beyond comprehension*
"Cress knows youir taking over still Aster, sorry about being a whiny bitch before, and please don't kill the body you share with the others, imagine if Astrid decides to cut off her arm, you wouldn't like it would you Aster?"
*He texted to Astrid's number then swiftly flipped his phone over and started to regret everything he had just done, Why?! Why did Cress do that?!!!, he screamed out in his head*


Posted 2022-08-07 15:27:23
Oh boy- Everything okay? .-. ))

*Aster opened her eyes slightly when she felt her phone buzz, but she wasn't really processing it.*
"Awh- Isn't that. . sweet."
*She yawned, feeling the pain in her arms. The others are going to be pissssed.      Ah well. She shrugged, glancing down at the message again.*
"Huh- Cutting off an arm. Not a bad idea."
*She raised an eyebrow, trying to decide if the blade she had would be good enough. She didn't want to pop it out of the socket first, but she couldn't do it otherwise. She groaned and stood up, walking into the bedroom, which had the only remaining mirror. She looked herself up and down, seeing that she'd already mutilated her arms.*
"HmMMMMMmmM- GeTTiNg BoRiNG nOW. LeT's TRy SoMEWhErE ElSe!"
*She smiled, leaning back against the wall for a moment. She suddenly raised the blade and brought it down into her thigh, not even flinching. She actually began laughing, enjoying the idea that Astrid would have to deal with this later.*

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-07 15:39:43

*The longer Cress was stuck in his room the more he started to worry and relize just how unstable Aster is, the found himself throwing the wooden tub aside and heading down the hatch, he didn't he know what he was going until after the fact, for once his thoughts went silent and without a mere thought he appeared in front of Astrid's home through a cloud of thick, black smoke, his eyes widened and looked down at his hands, Ceess wasn't trying to-Shit it and break the fucken down if needed, the voice hissed sharply, and without hesitation Cress did exactly that, he kicked below the door knob which slammed it open*
"ASTER!!!! You better not be hurting the body you share!!"
*He yelled out as he entered the building*
"Where are you?!"
*He started to panic*


Posted 2022-08-07 15:47:41
Noted. Not sure what's happening, but I hope everything turns out alright :/ ))

*Aster heard someone yelling, but she genuinely had no idea who it was. Her hearing kept going in and out, so she just continued laughing and pulled the knife out. She brought it back down a few times again before she ended up having to lean up against the wall for support. FuuUUUUuuuUUcK- AsTRiD's GOnNA HavE FuN WiTH tHIS oNe~ She smiled at the thought, closing her eyes for a moment. She wasn't really in any pain, but she knew Astrid would be. She just kept cutting, admiring the pool of blood below her.*

*¨༺ Cassia ༻¨*

Posted 2022-08-07 15:55:43
(Don't worry aye?)

*Cress walked in on Aster and felt his heart sank, his eyes widened and he started to panic, then swiftly smacked the knife out of Aster's hand, he didn't care about how she'd react, in fact he was expecting her to use every fiber of her being to make him pay for stopping her but all Cress care was to stop the bleeding*
"Aster! You can't keep doing this! You'll kill yourself and the others!"
*He huffed as he picked Aster up and laid her down on the floor, he looked around then ran about the house at full speed, he was running out of time, he needed to stop the bleeding but at the same time was waiting for Aster to pass out because he knew she'd make this difficult for him, he opened everything he could and picked every lock, he was train Ed in a circus after all*


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