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TXBM’s Sale or trade

TXBM’s Sale or trade
Posted 2022-08-04 01:35:21 (edited)
Hello, I sometimes have items I don't need or want so I will post them here for sale, you can pm me or comment below of what you are interested in!


Eye Applicator [Cold]          Eye Applicator [Frost]          Eye Applicator [Moonshine]          Eye Applicator [Electric Green]
Markings Applicator [Annwn]          Nose Applicator [Chill]        Skin Applicator [Chill]    Nose Applicator [Cynthius]

Blanket Bog          Blanket Bog          Burrow Among the Roots      Cave Entrance    Cave Tunnel    Cozy Nest
Dating Spot          Desert Traveller          Entrance Grave        Gyrfalcon Observer      Secluded Spring Den
Sunlit Cave          Swimming Mallard Ducks    Winter Cave


Black Sage          Great Tit    Blue Sage

Custom Decor
"Abby's Dream" Toxic Spirit 10 Uses      "Adira's Blessing" Runes + Stars 9 Uses    Blood spatter 10 Uses
Expression : Sweetheart 10 Uses        Moonlight 9 Uses      Pixie Wings 9 Uses
Plague of Rack & Pinion: Gold 10 Uses  POP Boombox 10 Uses    POP Jelly Bracelets 10 Uses
Pride Collar [Non-Binary] 10 Uses    Pumpkin Pale [Orange] 10 Uses    Wandering Assassin 10 Uses
Woof Wheelchair 10 Uses   

Arctic Woolly Bear Moth          Attached Antlers [Whitetail]      Blood Thirsty          Dark Hooves
Diamond Dust          Fish Fins      Irish Setter          Heatwave          Muskrat Carcass          Moss Fawn         
Moss Puppy      Pig Nose          Rabbit Carcass Decor          Squirrel Carcass Decor          Total Lunar Eclipse Beaver

Healing Items
Constipation Cure          Diarrhea Cure          Hepatitis Cure


Broken Antler          Broken Moose Antler          Butterfly wing    Canine Claw          Canine Fang          Elk Ear          Iron Scrap        Moose  Ear      Lucky Foot

Recipe: Fallen Tree Den                Recipe: Lynx Mask          Recipe: Redwood Sorrel Meadow
Recipe: Scattered Sticks              Recipe: Tansy Crown                      Recipe: Wolf Trophy Tail Necklace [White]

Special Use
Dingbat Pathfinder          Smouldering Effigy


Posted 2022-08-15 11:40:36
Do you still have cheek or thigh scar? If so how much do you want for it?
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-15 12:15:54
I have both still. 200 for the thigh and 250 (not on tc) for the other.


Posted 2022-08-15 12:17:33
Can I take the thigh for 200sc?
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-08-15 12:18:04 (edited)
Yes I'll set up a trade.


Posted 2022-08-15 12:18:23
Alright, cool. Thanks
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-09-15 21:12:42
What would you want for the redcock?
Whats this game

Posted 2022-09-15 22:04:44
100SC as of now. The prices always change.


Posted 2022-12-02 11:14:37
How much for the black sage?

Posted 2022-12-02 11:45:06
I currently have a few left but I'm asking 8 each


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