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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 2022-11-12 16:13:46
I think this was my first time ever getting two chased back-to-back, without at least a plain NBW or rechased in between.

Female Steele - yearling, 4M (double merle/merged), smoke eyes. Possibly holding onto this one.

Female Opal - 1 year, 4M (3 rare). She's gorgeous, but that cool/light base just doesn't fit my vibe.

Thank you, chasers! 🖤


Posted 2022-11-12 16:21:14
Congratz to the T3.
In case you should change your opinion on the Steele, let me know :) she's a beauty!


Posted 2022-11-12 16:45:46
@Nayatiuh - I generally try to fit any new raffle-eyed NBW into breeding rotation with my stud, but space is always a consideration, so this one is completely up in the air right now. I'll PM you if I decide not to keep her!


Posted 2022-11-12 17:29:10 (edited)

caught this cute Cream 8M triple merle female 4 year 9 month. decent stat roll of 276 Possibly a bad age reroll? ill be throwing on the TC if nobody claims for cheap as she wont fit into my pack *at all*


Posted 2022-11-12 17:30:45
That cream is beautiful! You may have to let me know when they're on the market, if they go up.


Posted 2022-11-12 17:33:42
@20mia08 if you want her dm me an offer and shes yours if her chaser doesnt claim by my next rollover <3 that would be 14 hours from now.


Posted 2022-11-12 19:31:56
omg @cautious of course of all the wolves I chase for an age reroll its one of my less beloved that gets through!!!! she was mine!!!! feel free to sell, I'm just glad she made it!

link link

Posted 2022-11-12 19:33:46
@hawkins awwww!!! well im glad you got to know she made it!!! She had a better stat roll lol!!!! less then stellar age!!! shes going to be well loved by @20mia08!


Posted 2022-11-12 22:13:45
Although not as fancy as some in this thread,  I did happen to find a rechased 3-star! Free to claim by anyone once cooldown's off.

[Kim] Rolling Events Only

Posted 2022-11-12 23:53:01 (edited)
Just found this guy, he's pretty cute! Unsure if i will be keeping or not yet. Either way, thank you to the chaser! I did auto friend him, so if the chaser wants him back I'd be happy to sell him for the 5GC.


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