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Chased Wolf Spotting - Revamped

Posted 2023-01-09 09:44:56
I lost someone's possible chased bronze this morning and wasn't able to get a pic


Posted 2023-01-09 11:06:02

Caught this female Biotite, she's 2 years 9 months a possible reroll?
She has 5 T1 marks and got an 229 stat roll.
Owner has 1 RO to dm me proof and an offer for her back! Otherwise she will be on TC 💕


Posted 2023-01-09 11:36:18
Found! Previous owner please message me to get him back!


Posted 2023-01-09 12:47:11
Caught this yearling panda + wings. Thanks to the chaser. Pm offers or will be on TC after cooldown.
Silver Dawn

Posted 2023-01-09 15:06:19
First real chased with my new lead and it's this pretty girl! She's a little older so she may be an age reroll?

Free back to her chaser, otherwise she'll be on the TC next rollover!


Posted 2023-01-09 21:45:39
9th Jan, 2023 17:15
Caught in the Taiga
Is anyone looking for this Dude?
Let me know if you are the chaser and want him back..
I might keep him just for those crazy eyes if the chaser does not reply!

NBW Silver Diana Carnage 2M Total Eclipse 266st Male Yearling


Posted 2023-01-09 22:27:52
Found two today.

Lilac girl, if you want her back just message! :)

And this teardrop which I'll be keeping!


Posted 2023-01-09 22:33:32
Yearling Onyx lady found earlier who is currently up on TC! If she doesn't sell I might keep her to try to breed an Iron. Maybe. That would be an expensive endeavor.


Posted 2023-01-09 23:04:00
Found this pretty chased wolf just now
Probably ganna keep em unless the chaser wants em back

Posted 2023-01-09 23:16:56
Looks like a rechase, will be chasing tomorrow unless someone/chaser wants her back


fizzywolf (semi-hiatus)

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