🐉Adult Cute Dragon Adopts and Auctions!🐉
🐉Adult Cute Dragon Adopts and Auctions!🐉
Posted 2022-08-19 12:09:20 (edited)
--~oOo~-- Rules: 1. Don't take credit for my art 2. Dont resell my art 3. No refunds 4. No limits for purchases so long as items/dragons are available 5. Payment upfront 6. Do not trace or reuse my base 7. You CAN use these as references for your own art, fanart or ocs 8. Should you buy or craft any new markings or decor and want them added to a dragon, you must post the image of the dragon along with the request. Just so I can make the adjustments. 9. Can't pay in cash? I'm generally open to poses, apps, raccoon decor/backgrounds, grove items, event decor or things in my wishlist (accessed from my main account page) as alternative payments! Feel free to ask! Note: Submission Markings are now available! Send an item/herb/decor/etc. with the message "Submission Marking" and it will be carefully crafted into a marking, added to the list and available to be crafted by yourself and other buyers for the same price. You will automatically have two (2) of that marking to apply to any two (2) dragons of your choosing! The item submitted will not be returned, so be aware! --~oOo~-- Lava Pool Baby hatchlings bought from THIS THREAD may be brought here to be aged up. Doing this may result in the occasional new marking or horn/claw variations, but there is a cost. You may sacrifice 1gc OR 500sc to the volcano to age your hatchling up. --~oOo~-- Crafting Accessories
--~oOo~-- Adopts
--~oOo~-- Prized Dragon Auction Rivulet Rank: Unique
--~oOo~-- Breeding Any person (or two people for a split breeding) may volunteer their ADULT dragon(s) for breeding. Breeding has a chance of passing on any colors or markings* and has the chance of giving up to four (4) eggs of varying rarity. Breeding requires a 100sc fee per dragon being bred (so if it was one person breeding two dragons, thats 200sc. If its two people with a dragon each, that's 100sc apiece). You will immediately get the colors and number of the eggs, but will not know where they rank, its hard to tell on your own! Anyone hoping to keep the egg(s) will need to build nests for them consisting of 10 Like Herbs Per Egg (so ten herbs of the same name, not mixed). If you do not wish to keep any eggs, they will go into the sales nests. Eggs will hatch 1 IRL day after nesting. The dividing of the eggs is up to the owners of both parents to decide. *Unique Markings will not be inherited, but can pass "Unique Fails" that come in two different tiers: Rank 1 is rare, but more likely, and Rank 2 is very slim chance. There is always the possibility with any Breeding that your egg could hatch and the hatchling holds no markings. Common X Common breeding has a slim chance of producing a rare marking. (Breeding will be affected by the parents' markings and coloring. Egg number and which markings—if any—are inherited are decided by a randomizer. Each egg gets three (3) rolls of the randomizer to decide markings, and has the chance to land on "none" at any time. It also has a very rare chance to land on a new marking held by neither parent.) ![]() . Miola Fruit Price: 100sc Each fruit adds two (2) extra spins to all eggs in any breeding clutch.* These can be stacked up to 5. *Spins determine what and how many markings a bred baby will have. Each gets 3 spins naturally, so the possibility of up to 3 markings. The item must be used on the breeding pair before/during breeding, not after the nest or eggs already exists. --~oOo~-- Marking List
Andalite #9780 |
Posted 2022-08-19 16:36:23
Ayii #48573 |
Posted 2022-08-19 17:27:03
Andalite #9780 |
Posted 2022-08-19 17:46:26 (edited)
Also, I would like to age up these dragons: (just removed them to protecc my babies <3) The ones with question marks I couldn't remember what rank they were, they were the first ones I got so I didn't write it down anywhere D: I will be paying in GC!! :D |
Ayii #48573 |
Posted 2022-08-19 19:38:44
Yes, they can be combined into one marking or each be made into an individual one, up to you! |
Andalite #9780 |
Posted 2022-08-19 19:50:55 (edited)
Also can I age up the lavender, purple, and white mythic beebs and the green and grey rare beebs please? I would also like to submit 5 bones per dragon for scars on them, if that's all right? [in addition to the GC] boop boop boop boop boop |
![]() Karma #75898 |
Posted 2022-08-19 19:58:12
Andalite #9780 |
Posted 2022-08-19 20:02:32
![]() Karma #75898 |
Posted 2022-08-19 20:57:10
Andalite #9780 |
Posted 2022-08-22 12:03:40
Andalite #9780 |