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[Grouse House Guide] Cataclysms | August Event

Posted 2022-08-22 20:53:48
Here's some of  the text for the Beast of Bladenboro

(Glowing amber eyes look at you coldly from a creature as black as the shadows. Its bushy tail sweeps back and forth as you approach.

It resembles a lion, with a thick curly mane that not only covers its chest, but travels down its back in spiky tufts. Sharp white teeth snarl at you as you take a hesitant step forward, and you feel your pelt prickle with unease. You must tread carefully.

"What do you want, mangy? want to help, you say? Well, there's no shortage of work to be done. I'm sure you could be useful to me.")


Posted 2022-08-22 21:19:34 (edited)
meeting the snallygaster:

meeting the goatsucker

Posted 2022-08-22 21:28:20
My Fresno Nightcrawler quest was to defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids


Posted 2022-08-22 22:43:26
One Dover demon quest is to defeat x3 American Badgers

Sunspot Forest-On hiatus

Posted 2022-08-22 22:46:11
Alaskan Tiger Quest: Kill 3 merged
Snow Snake Quest: Kill 3x Artic foxes
Cadborosaurus Quest: Give 10x Large Rocks

Breezy [Hiatus]

Posted 2022-08-22 22:53:32

Augerino night encounter

Alex the Green Lizard

Posted 2022-08-22 23:02:29
when sniffing around the raccoon encounter in all biomes, i got a swan carcass, not a flamingo
encountered the following in the prairie

i chose the chase option

Posted 2022-08-22 23:21:17 (edited)
twisted tree screenshots
encountered in the prairie

soft feathered barn owl leave it alone option:
There's nothing you can do for the poor creature. You continue on your way, hoping that it survives this latest disaster.

Posted 2022-08-23 02:27:17 (edited)
Riparian Woodland - Disaster, Derecho

"The stink of humans passes your nostrils, and you hear loud noises and brush crashing nearby. You quickly hide, and observe from a safe distance. They stand tall and are wearing all black, with devices that beep and blink ominously. They shout back and forth, taking no care to hide their presence. What are they doing here?"

Wait OR Follow

If you choose Follow:

"The humans haven't noticed you, so you take the opportunity to follow them. They space themselves out in a horizontal line and disrupt the brush, shine lights everywhere, and hover their devices over different areas. It seems like they're looking for something, but what? They'll never find anything making all of this racket. It's interesting for a while, but eventually you tire and become bored. They don't seem harmful, and there's no more information to glean. You decide to head back."

+1 CS

Alex the Green Lizard

Posted 2022-08-23 02:40:52 (edited)

EDITED: I finished this post, will start the new one if something new appeared in quests, cause there are too many of known information

Can I help ya?  I will continue to edit all the quests in this post. If you need something more text information tell me and I will add it too ^^

Kinfolk Cryptid Quests

Dark Watchers 
Quest Defeat 3x Merged Cryptids


1. Currently: 0/4 hunts succeeded

2. "I've been spending so much time chasing off Merged scum that I haven't had any time–let alone the energy–to hunt for myself. Can you help me out? You'll be rewarded! I don't need much. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses."
Currently: 0/3 carcasses given


1. Currently: 0/10 branches given
2. Another one: find his babies in prairie aka explore hint
"My babies keep wandering off, no matter how many times I tell them that they need to stay close! I'm so worried something has happened to them. Can you see if you can find them and bring them home? They look like normal rabbits right now since they're too young to have their horns yet. Please find them!"

"I'm no fighter. I'd rather care for others, even though it's inconvenient during such tumultuous times. I need to increase my stock of healing salves to provide to my fellow Kinfolk. Would you help me? Bring me 5 x healing salves for now."
Currently: 0/5 salves given

"Every day brings new calamities and I'm running out of my supplies. If you can bring me 5 x healing salves, it would save me a lot of time."
Currently: 0/5 salves given


"There's very little area for me to hunt here; the river is far too small. Would you help me? I'm quite hungry, and I know you and your pack are strong hunters. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses and I'll make sure it's worth your while!"
Currently: 0/3 carcasses given (dead fish counts too)

1. "As time goes on, more of those evil beings from The Merged keep appearing. Go fight 3 x the Merged cryptids to show that their kind is not welcome here."
Currently: 0/3 defeated

2."The water here doesn't feel as clean as it should–something is wrong, and we must find out what it is. Find the source and report back to me."
explore in Riparian Woodland to find fish

Can't you sense it? There are humans close by. I can feel their movements through the vibrations in the ground, and they don't seem friendly. See if you can chase them off before they cause any trouble."
Hint: try exploring in the Tundra!
Need to find humans and chase them off

Unidentified Beings
"In order to work effectively and with the most benefit to everyone, we need to study a few examples of local life forms. Don't be afraid, we're not talking about you. 3 x full use carcasses will be enough for a start."
Currently: 0/3 carcasses given

Even the smallest rescued being is one step towards regaining normalcy. Or what's left of it, that is. Help 3 x distressed animals in explore and ignore your hunting instincts. There's enough unnecessary death around anyway."
Currently: 0/3 distressed animals helped

1. "I could ask you to help me with my struggles, but there are creatures fighting for their lives as we speak. They need you more than I do now. Help 3 x distressed animals in explore and return quickly to let me know how it went."
Currently: 0/3 distressed animals helped

2."I completely forgot to keep an eye on my supplies. I don't need much but 5 x healing salves would help me feel safe here in the event something happens and I'm injured. Come back when you have them."
Currently: 0/5 salves given

Michigan Dogman
"Better times will surely come one day but we have to be prepared for the worst. Bring me 5 x healing salves. I keep this stuff in a safe place and I advise you to do the same. It's easy to obtain now but you never know what will happen tomorrow."
Currently: 0/5 salves given

The merged Cryptid Quests

Belled Buzzard
"Show me how strong you and your pack are. Succeed in 4 hunts. I don't associate with weaklings. This will prove your strength."
Currently: 0/4 hunts succeeded

"Everyone has to eat, we're all a part of the food chain. Yes, even me, furry. Don't look so surprised. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. You're rather helpful and I'd hate to eat you instead. Off you go."
Currently: 0/3 carcasses given

Horned Beast
Defeat 3x Kinfolk Cryptids

Montauk Monster
"Go be useful, would you? Go catch me an uncommon fish in the fishing game fish. Any will do, I just want you to leave me alone for a while. Take your time and don't hurry back."
Currently: 0/1 uncommon fish caught

Goat Sucker
"I can't seem to find any decent prey around here, and I need a constant supply of blood. How do you expect me to keep on living if I don't get enough? I'll shrivel up like a dead leaf. Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. That should do for now. Hurry up, would you? I can't wait all day."
Currently: 0/3 carcasses given

"No offence, but you wolves are the worst when it comes to invading my space. I think you're the third today. I can't believe I'm talking to you. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids and prove your worth. If you do, I may keep you around."
Currently: 0/3 defeated

Bloody Bones
"You want to join me? Amusing idea but...fine. Show me what you are made of. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids and convince me."
Currently: 0/3 defeated

Pope Lick Monster
"I plan to stay here for a while and I don't want anyone to disturb me again as you did. There is a solution that I'm sure you know well: intimidation. Bring me 1 x Wolf Skull so that I can display it to chase other wolves away."

Shadow Being
"These lands appear vast, and maybe it's enough for you, but not for me. The mere scent of Kinfolk sends me into a rage. The so-called "Independent" cryptids aren't any better. Defeat 3 x Kinfolk cryptids for me and use your imagination. You know what I mean, you don't have to be clean with it. Release your hate."

"I need to keep my strength up. There are herbs that are good for that. Bring me 3 x Buffaloberry, 1 x Feverfew, 1 x Bearberry."

Horned Beast
"I need to keep my claws sharp. Go find me 10 x large rocks. Make sure they're rough and have lots of sharp edges; I can't use smooth ones."

Southern Chupacabras
0/3 Kinfolk defeated

Find someone in distress and convince them to serve me."
Hint: try exploring in the Riparian Woodland!

Jersey Devil
"I can feel the filth of the Kinfolk even here. With your help we'll be able to get them dealt with in no time. Go and get rid of 3 x Kinfolk cryptids. You must kill them. I don't care as long as they leave my territory."
Currently: 0/3 defeated


"My lair is almost ready. I only need some brush to camouflage it properly. Bring me 10 x large branches and it should be perfect to make the finishing touches."
Currently: 0/10 branches given

Dover Demon
"Do you have any food? ...No? Well then go and find some or hunt or whatever it is you do. Bring me back 2 x full use carcasses and I'll give you something in return."

"My stomach is a bottomless pit, I tell you. No matter how much prey I steal–I mean, find–I can't seem to satiate my hunger. Help me out, would you? Bring me 3 x full use carcasses. If that doesn't satisfy me, I don't know what will."

"Time to really prove your worth. Succeed in 3 hunts and show me that you can not only feed your pack, but me as well."
Currently: 0/3 hunts succeeded


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