PITT (Put In The Time DnD Style RP) {RP forum} (OPEN!)
Posted 2022-09-04 09:45:30
"Zon, you don't have any weapons right?" Shi looked in the direction she was able to hear them talking from. "It would be unwise to fight this being. They're able to fly, along with being well equipped. It may be a better option to see if we can speak with them instead." Shi spoke confidently, though not forcefully Shi also would like to prevent this fight. |
Karma #75898 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:47:09
WolfFox 🐺 🦊 #66302 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:47:14
"Hmph. Fine. Now can I ssstop wasssting my time on you Playersss?" Snek grumbled. Please, just get out of here What's the quest? |
SpookyStick(L-Off) #72396 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:49:10
WolfFox 🐺 🦊 #66302 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:51:53
"We were told of a quest. Are you able to explain further?" Shi crossed her arms over her chest and stared at the being. It didn't seem overbearingly strong but it was definitely stronger than them with their current stats and weaponry. This was all so interesting to her. |
Karma #75898 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:58:19
Role? Elaborate. Okay now shoe. |
SpookyStick(L-Off) #72396 |
Posted 2022-09-04 09:59:51
Karma #75898 |
Posted 2022-09-04 10:01:52
WolfFox 🐺 🦊 #66302 |
Posted 2022-09-04 10:03:33
Roles ~ Ruler ~ The Ruler is the team leader. This role calls the shots and makes the choices. Can be opposed though opposing can lead to a fight. Fights + opposition picked by RNG can happen at any time. The best one for the job can be anyone. ATK is useful for a Ruler to defend oneself but HP is also suitable for surviving attacks. The position of the Ruler is to keep the team together and keep fights on the down low. Rulers are elected during a roleplay. (Max 1) ~ Second In Command/Deputy ~ The Deputy is the team's second in command. Often has more ATK than the Ruler and around the same HP. This role carries orders down from the Ruler and is often attacked by enemies. This role is very dangerous due to the likelihood of being attacked. Deputy is chosen by the Ruler during the roleplay. (Max 1) ~ Healer ~ The Healer is the team medic. This role often has a low ATK number but a rather high HP number. They are often skilled with medicine and hang back from fights. Not every team member who is injured survives. RNG decides the severity of injuries. Healer skill is determined by the member's herbalist's prof. Chosen during the course of roleplay. (Max 1) ~ Warrior ~ The Warrior role is rather important. This role keeps the rest of the team safe from danger, such as enemies from the Reversed team and hostile Loners. Members best for this role have characters with high ATK and mid-range HP. Also determined by the roleplay. (Max 2, can double as Strategist and WILL in a five-member RP) ~ Strategist ~ The Strategist role is valuable. A character with this role has all the information and a shared Information Drive only for the Gamemaster and the member with this role is assigned to one of their characters. This role is unlocked through gameplay and goes to the elected character by the team OR chosen by the Ruler. This role can also double as Ruler if the Ruler is: offline; injured; or off the scene. Can be doubled as by a Warrior but a Warrior cannot double as Ruler. (Max 1) "You will not be able to fill every role immediately, sssso ssssome may have to double," Says Snek. |
SpookyStick(L-Off) #72396 |
Posted 2022-09-04 10:06:30
WolfFox 🐺 🦊 #66302 |