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✨Pack lore project✨

Posted 2022-10-23 09:34:36
Alright! That sounds good. A paragraph would be just fine ^^
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-11-18 18:39:05
I would like to Ally! And would love to start Roleplaying if you'd like

Posted 2022-11-18 19:20:44
Wonderful! When would you like to start?
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-12-01 19:27:08
Please ignore my pack. If you want to, you may have stories about them- a pack of lunar wolves under a terrible dictator- but no interactions, thanks :)
I just got your friend request and accepted it because I accept all of them.
AnonymousBirb 🕯️

Posted 2022-12-01 20:46:04
Okie dokie!
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-12-05 07:57:00
Mine as well, we can be in neutral standing if you'd like :)

My pack is one formed under a vision by the current leader, and they believe in the Moon Goddess


Posted 2022-12-05 16:46:35
Alrighty :>
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

Posted 2022-12-09 02:22:47
Hi, sorry it took so long, I'd like to be allies that slowly fade to enemies(or neutral, if you want), since my lead, Luna, has a bit of a temper.
Class Kitsune

Posted 2022-12-09 02:44:34

This could be pretty interesting. I'd like to join as enemy or neutral, whichever you prefer. ^^


Posted 2022-12-09 07:34:44
Oooooh, an enemy
Silent Sparrow🏳️‍🌈🕊🎄

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