Posted 2022-09-18 11:42:33 (edited)
(@´ー`)ノ゙ notes and reminders about my current project
goal: mono t3 puppies hopefully at least one with hetero B/W or W/B
- ✔️ buy special base (from event or otherwise) 🖤 diana base from lunar event sep 2022
- ✔️ get an nbw male (i like sterling)
- ✔️ must have black or white eyes, different from female - get eye changer
- ✔️ apparently there's not that many sterling out there, so instead i am going to just use a base changer to get [
siqoq, chert, onyx, pewter]
- ✔️ apply special base to nbw female
- ✔️ must have black or white eyes, different from male - get eye changer
- ✔️ buy 2 total shuffles 🍞 got gc from selling art oh yeah
- ✔️ apply to nbw female & nbw male respectively & pairbond
- other notes
- marking combos can be ugly, i just want there to be markings
- can make them pretty later on if i care and somehow make bag
- might sell fail puppies? maybe to others who want to breed mono or just in general?? might link this project to mono guild if i dont go ia
- i would put diana on male to set as bm but i already have a t3 mono bm and im not spending gc on changing him
- initial price not counting event currencies - 76 GC + 10 GC for safety in case its really too ugly and i change a bit
- starting project with 100 GC dedicated for this. extra GC will be burried for emergency use only. 14 GC extra.
tracking __〆( ̄ー ̄ )
recorded in wolvden time
2022.09.18 - started saving
2022.09.23 - satisfied with GC collected, time to start
2022.09.23 - obtained decently young nbws from tc
2022.09.23 - applied everything and they are so pretty!! esp bangbang he looks so sick i screamed
2022.09.30 - litter 1 born
2022.10.28 - litter 2 born
parents and puppies ♡( ◡‿◡ )
litter 1 - waxing gibbous moon, winter, deciduous forest
2 puppies. f lazy, m helpful. keeping both. id 5578133, 5578134
litter 2 - waxing crescent moon, winter, desert
3 puppies. m optimistic, m lazy, m fair. enclave, giveaway (hopefully to someone that will keep), enclave. id 5847547, 5847548, 5847549