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help centring a page-doll on css

help centring a page-doll on css
Posted 2022-09-25 06:23:34 (edited)
i added a border image underneath the 3 boxes on my den page, however it is not centred. the two fox pups above it are, but this one isn't. i tried using the 'align centre' option, but this didn't work. is there anyway to centre it? for the record, i didn't make my css, i'm just adding something, so i don't know these things very well. ^^

kitsuwn 🌸

Posted 2022-09-26 18:49:56
The pagedoll code already there is specifically coded for the image above your box (ie the pups). If your image differs in size, it'll be off set. Just copy/paste this code at the bottom of your den description (under your boxes).

<img src="" align="center">


Posted 2022-09-26 18:58:30
ahh, tysm that's much better ^^

kitsuwn 🌸

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