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Stick & Blizzard 1x1

Stick & Blizzard 1x1
Posted 2022-10-06 13:56:55
Anyone can watch but no one respond unless you are BlizzardOfDeath.

As Laila led Verdance through the tight, dark, cold forest, Oakland continued to perch on Verdance, slowly draining the Alpha's life essence.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:01:49
Verdance padded after her, completely unbothered by Oakland.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:09:40
(For now...)

Soon, the three arrived at the Healing Hollow. There they were met by a bear, Herbert. "Well, hello, Laila. Oakland. Who might you be?" The bear's question is directed at Verdance.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:13:51
"I'm Verdance!" The mossy wolf recognized Herbert, she had seen the benevolent healer many times in the woods.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:15:33
"Why do you bring your friend here, Laila? You know dragons are not permitted," Herbert turned his attention to the young forest witch. "I was just at the gathering place, and Oakland had come with me. I thought it better to bring him with me. He won't make trouble,"  Laila responded, looking nervous under the bear's semi-annoyed glower.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:18:08
Verdance watched with a tilt of her head, interested in Laila and Herbert's conversation.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:24:40
Oakland nearly fell off Verdance's head. He made angry baby dragon sounds. Laila and Herbert were arguing but it was quiet and Laila seemed to not wish to anger the bear any further than he already was.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:27:01
Verdance smiled at Oakland, chuckling happily.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:30:06
Oakland scrabbled for a grip, tearing out clumps of Verdance's head fur as he got back into a comfortable position to drain the life out of her slowly.

Posted 2022-10-06 14:32:45
Verdance's fur grew back instantly as she waited comfortably. She had finally deduced that Oakland was attempting to eat her life energy, but she didn't appear worried.

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