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🌠 THE QUEST BOARD 🌠 quests for rewards!🏆

🌠 THE QUEST BOARD 🌠 quests for rewards!🏆
Posted 2022-10-06 21:11:43

You have a task or goal that you can not complete or need help with? Post it here along with promise of reward for whoever completes it!

Once someone completes the task you posted you gift them their reward. Always send reward as a private trade request so you do not get scammed
Reward ideas: wolves, decor, studs (female studs too), money, applicators, items, anything you would want to trade for this task complete!
Try and be detailed with what quest/task you need as to avoid confusion.

          Quest can be things like training a pup, helping collect certain items (branches, healing salves, rocks, etc), an art commission or finding an artist, find this item for me, trade this item, help find a wolf/pack/user (specify why if searching for one of theses), help find stud/pup, wanting applicators, etc


examples of a good quest include:
a wolf skull please! Reward: 1Gc
Have a wolf with specific marking for stud! Reward: stud fee + 50Sc
Tundra home biome item! Reward: nice marking puppy
Train my adolescent for 5 rollovers! Reward: 50Sc per rollover
Help me collect 20 rocks in total! Reward: Markings remover
Help me find this chased wolf's home in case they want her back! Reward: 6 Gc

Bad quest examples include:
Stud me a T3 wolf for free. Reward: 50Sc
PM (insert user) and call them stupid and ugly. Reward:12Gc
Gift me expensive event item. Reward: generic decor
Fetch me 50 branches. Reward: 1 healing sale
Train my pup in herbalism until they are an adult. Reward: blue Jay feather
PM (insert user) saying their stud is overpriced and ugly. Reward: owl talon

Please be fair and patient!! Our heros and heroines who do quest are only human and need time. Please do not be rude to anyone and if you have a problem with something on the Forum let me know via PM. We can not guarantee someone takes your quest so please keep that in mind. If a quest that's posted is to bully, you will be reported to mods. Thank you and have fun!
If you have questions feel free to PM me!
Whats this game

Posted 2022-10-14 21:34:38
(My example quest and a quest to hopefully kick the thread off!!)

Please collect me 1 large rock!
reward offering: 10Sc
Whats this game

Posted 2022-11-03 18:47:02
I have a large rock!

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